
ATTENTION! CALL Gender Economics Research Center is happy to announce the call for young researchers in the area of Gender Economics for 2021-2022 academic year

Gender Economics Research Center of Narxoz University announces the 4th call of young researchers from Kazakhstan and  Central Asian countries for conducting research on the care economy in Kazakhstan: child and elderly care, paid and unpaid, institutional care services and services provided at home, both by household members and employees, gaps in care, problems of caregivers and etc. Selected fellows will receive monthly scholarships for 7 months. Scholarships are intended to support young researchers and cover their research and administrative costs related to scientific papers (interviewing, survey, data collection, etc.).
The project is supported by the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan.
A total of 4 (four) fellows will be selected.

The fellowship programme assumes comprehensive and scientific support for young researchers from experienced scientific leaders with international research experience. Upon completion of the program, Fellows should:
1. a) prepare and present an academic paper with practical recommendations on improving the care system; prepare the paper for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal; or b) provide a completed report on care issues in KZ in collaboration with an NGO affiliated with the project;

2. publish an article in the media on the mid-term and final results of the research.
The Fellowship programme for 2021-2022 supports research on the care economy in the context of the entire care “system” of Kazakhstan:
caring for children and the elderly; paid and unpaid care work; institutional care services; care provided by household members; care gaps; problems of individuals and organizations providing care, etc.
This is an urgent, and at the same time, underreported / underestimated problem for Kazakhstan and Central Asia, the solution of which could contribute to the economic empowerment of women.
Language to use for a research paper - Russian or English, on a researcher’s choice.

Stages of the fellowship programme for 2021-2022:
●      Orientation session for fellows held by gender economics experts: the second half of January, 2022.
●      Research process – the second half of January, 2022 - the second half of August, 2022
●      Workshops/training sessions for fellows: February, 2022 - March, 2022
●      Progress reports on implementation of a research work plan: the third week of each month
●      Social media blog / an article in media on intermediate research results – the end of May, 2022;
●      Completion of research – July - August, 2022;
●      Research results presentation – August, 2022.

Applicants should note that by participating in the contest, they confirm their involvement in all of the stages of the Fellowship programme for the entire period of its realization.
The competition is open to:
●      Master students and PhD researchers of Kazakhstani and abroad universities on economic, financial and humanitarian disciplines;
●      Economists, analysts and specialists who are employed in Kazakhstani and Central Asian research and analytical centres and institutes, and NGOs as well;
●      Independent analysts, economists, experts.

Requirements for candidates:
●      Master’s degree;
●      Analytical and research experience (at least 2 years);
●      Advanced level of English language required for writing scientific papers, studying scientific literature and training in gender economics. Certificate of proficiency in English and/or university degree in English-taught educational programmes are welcomed.
●      Age - up to 35;
●      To be a citizen of one of the Central Asian countries permanently residing in these countries.
●      The opportunity to participate in online training, workshops and other events within the framework of the scholarship program.
●      Commitment to the values ​​of an open society and the principles of open discussion of current public issues.
Competition terms:

Application deadline – January 17, 2022 (4:59 p.m., Astana time). Applications submitted later than the time stated will not be considered.

Note: Upon agreement with the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan Gender Economics Research Center may make minor changes in the timing of this competition at its own discretion.

Mandatory requirements for the application:

●      Filled application form, the template is available here; (if the candidate wishes, the application can be filled both in Russian and English);
●      IELTS or TOEFL English language test certificates if available (in PDF format);
●      Scanned copy of ID / passport (in PDF format);
●      A sample of applicant’s own research or publication (min. 4000 words, in PDF format).
The required documents should directly be e-mailed to Please, indicate “Application for 2021-2022 Fellowship Programme” in the Subject of your application email.

2021-12-24 20:27 GERC