New Kazakhstan: The Origins of the Past, Present and Future
On the 13th of December 2022 there has been organized an International Scientific-Research Conference “New Kazakhstan: Development Potential and Current Challenges”, during which the lawyers and international relations experts discussed the issues of political and legal transformations, necessary for the constitutional and welfare state establishment at Narxoz University.
5 countries, 42 speakers and more than 8 hours of public speaking – these are the key figures of the event, uniting researchers of the widely different generations. The impact of youth on the state’s drastic changes, perfecting of the civil service, the importance of the constitutional reforms as well as the digital transformation of the society attracted not only the participants, but also the guests of the conference. And a full-on debate, having launched within the breakout session “National Identity in the Context of Global and Regional Security” proves the topicality of the presented speeches.
The host of the conference is the School of Law and Public Policy, the organization unit of Narxoz University, characterized by a synthesis of anthropocentric and interdisciplinary approaches while preparing and training the specialists of the regional and international levels.