
The collection of «Ryskulov Readings-2021» was published

Dear colleagues, we are glad to share with you the electronic version of the collection of abstracts of the participants "Ryskulov Readings-2021"! The international scientific conference on social sciences was held at the Narxoz University on April 15, 16 and 19, 2021 on a wide range of issues from technological changes in education against the backdrop of a pandemic to the introduction of tools for protecting children's rights in the education system in Central Asia.

We are especially pleased to draw your attention to the first part of the collection - full transcripts of the speakers' speeches at the plenary session "Shaping the Future of Education in Social Sciences".

The second part of the collection contains the brightest moments from 6 panel sessions, 3 master classes and presentations from 4 research centers. A total of 86 speakers from among academicians, scientists, teachers, heads of universities, structural divisions and public organizations from Kazakhstan, USA, Russia, Great Britain, Moldova, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Denmark and Kyrgyzstan took part. Two sessions were organized by partner universities from Russia - the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. In total, more than 300 people attended the sessions, not counting the speakers. 

 "Ryskulov Readings" is an annual brand conference of Narxoz University. We invite everyone to cooperate and participate in the next year. Follow our updates on the website and the official Facebook page

Link for downloading the collection: https: // /.../ 1PHE4P7utOrm3gaQYDt3 ... / view ...