
Ainash Alpesiova has been assigned to the position of the Director of the Higher School of Law and Public Administration of Narxoz University

Ainash Alpesiova has been assigned to the position of the Director of the Higher School of Law and Public Administration of Narxoz University. Ainash Alpeisova is a Harvard graduate (LL.M.’03), ex-compliance officer and lawyer of National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna”. She is licensed to practice law in the state of New York and a Certified Professional Accountant (CPA) Massachusetts.

Moreover, Ainash Alpeisova worked for the Big Four companies in Kazakhstan and the United States, collaborated with large transnational and local investment organizations, provided legal and tax advice, and taught at Kazakh universities.

As the Director of the Higher School of Law and Public Administration she will be engaged in the development and implementation of legal educational programs that are in demand in Kazakhstan and abroad, attracting strong international specialists, and will apply practical knowledge to achieve goals and solve problems set by the leadership of Narxoz University.

Narxoz University Press Service

2021-08-16 11:40