
Narxoz students are at the forefront of scientific research

Student research plays a special role in the development of university science. In order to develop student science, stimulate their team and creative activity, and form active critical thinking, the annual student scientific and practical conference «Narxoz Student Research-2023» was held at Narxoz University on March 28, 2023.
More than 100 students and master students of the University presented their works to participate in the event. Based on the results of the inspection and «blind» review, 25 best works were selected for the presentation of the results obtained.

The conference was opened by Acting Provost of the Narxoz University Umirzakov S.Y. In his welcoming speech, he noted that student science is developing at a dynamic pace at the university: students are actively involved in the implementation of scientific projects of the university, publish articles in Scopus journals, are engaged in the development of research within the «Student Research Club».
At the plenary session, Tanatarov Alisher, a 4th-year student of the specialty «Ecology», spoke about his experience of participating in the scientific project of the University on the implementation of phyto-vegetative capture at an industrial enterprise. He noted that this is an invaluable experience that allowed him to significantly improve his professional competence in the field of applied research.
The 1st-year master student of the specialty «Management» Bayasova Aizhan in the presented work considers the main barriers to the implementation of sustainable management through an analysis of the best practices of companies included in the Global-100 List for 2022. Suleimenova Moldir, a 1st-year master student in the specialty «Economics», analyzed the economic consequences of foreign labor migration in her work and proposed measures to minimize risks. Of interest are the author's conclusions about the adoption of measures to withdraw illegal immigrants from the «shadow».
Students showed a good level of proficiency in research methods. Thus, a 2nd-year student of the specialty «Finance» Madiyarova Kuralai in her work conducts a correlation and regression analysis of the volume of loans issued by second-tier banks in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1st-year students of the specialty «Financial Risk Management» Tokengazina Azima and Kim Irina in their work used the method of mass survey of respondents to identify the level of influence of subcultures on young people.
The conference participants were also provided with a platform for the presentation of research results and an exchange of views within the sections «Economics and Finance» and «State and Sustainable Development». As part of the exchange of views, a productive discussion took place, the formation of conclusions and ways to solve pressing socio-economic issues.

Following the results of the conference, a collection of materials will be published, which will include 70 student papers approved by the results of a «blind» review.
2023-03-30 08:37