Dissertation Council on "Finance" at Narxoz University announces a meeting to defend a the dissertation for the degree of PhD by Lipovka A.V.
Date: December 24, 2021
Time: 12:00 p.m. (Almaty time-zone).
Conduct form:
- offline (conference room, office 318, Zhandosov street 55)
- online (Zoom platform): https://zoom.us/j/96336907430
Live broadcast mode on the Internet: https://youtu.be/jTkN3Bsd1e8
Doctoral dissertation defense Anastasia Vladimirovna Lipovka on the topic: «Gender aspects in managing the economy of Kazakhstan: key problems and ways to solve them (on the example of the business sector)» by specialty «6D052000 – Business Administration». The dissertation was done at the department «Business Administration» Almaty Management University.
Scientific consultants:
Official reviewers:
of the Department of Regional Economics and Innovative Development, Institute of Economics
of the CS MES RK, Almaty.
Rector for Scientific Research, Suleyman Demirel University, Kaskelen.