Dissertation Councils
2021-12-24 09:22

Announcement on the replacement of a temporary composition member of the dissertation council for the defense of the dissertation on December 24, 2021

In the temporary composition of the dissertation council for a group of specialties: 6D050900

«Finance», 6D050800 «Accounting and Audit», 6D052000 «Business Administration» for the defense of the dissertation for the degree of PhD by Lipovka A.V. on the topic: «Gender aspects in the management of the economy of Kazakhstan: key problems and ways to solve them (on the example of the business sector)» in the specialty 6D052000 «Business Administration» a member of the temporary staff, Candidate of Economics Kirdasinova K.A. (ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov) was replaced with PhD Tulembaev A.N. (National Company «Kazakhstan Engineering»).