On June 12, 2024, the international rating agency in the field of higher education, Times Higher Education, published a rating for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – Impact Rankings 2024.
The ranking shows the progress of universities in achieving 17 goals. The assessment is based on four indicators: conducting research in relevant areas, managing the key factors of the SDGs, the role of the university at the regional, national and international levels, and teaching students sustainable development goals.
According to the results of the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, Narxoz University has retained its position in the ranking of the 1,500 best universities in the world. This has been achieved for the fifth year in a row, despite the high competition among the Kazakh universities represented.
According to the results of the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, Narxoz University has retained its position in the ranking of the 1,500 best universities in the world. This has been achieved for the fifth year in a row, despite the high competition among the Kazakh universities represented.
In total, there are 2,152 universities from 125 countries in the ranking, 26 universities from Kazakhstan, which is almost three times more than in 2022. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education notes that the main indicators for which Kazakhstani universities were included in the rating are the quality of education, gender equality and partnership in the interests of the SDGs.

Narxoz University has improved its position on key (core SDG) and additional indicators.

On the basis of Narxoz University, there is Sustainable Kazakhstan Research Institute, which is engaged in the formation and promotion of a culture of sustainable development at the university and beyond, conducts applied research and contributes to the achievement of sustainable development goals.

One of SKRI's projects is the phyto–vegetation barrier technology, created with the help of the ENVI-Met program, for planting green spaces in an industrial area, which reduces the level of air pollution with industrial dust by up to 40%.
The student community is also actively involved in achieving the SDGs. On June 12, 2024, Narxoz students met with Arnold Kreilhuber, Director of the European Regional Office of the United Nations Environment Programme. The meeting was also attended by Director of the Department of International Development and Partnership of Narxoz University Aigerim Raimzhanova and Director of the Sustainable Kazakhstan Research Institute Brendan Dupree.