
A week without lead

Narxoz University students took part in the International Week for the Prevention of Lead Poisoning (October 25-31, 2020). Its organizers are WHO and the Global Alliance to End the Use of Lead-containing Paints (TheGlobalAlliancetoEliminateLeadPaint - GAELP).

On October 26, a webinar "Lead in paints and varnishes: for human health and sustainable development" was organized for students of the 2,3,4 courses of the University's Ecology Department with the assistance of the Analytical Environmental Agency "Greenwomen" and the IPEN coordination center.

The event was also attended by representatives of Russian government agencies, industry, non-

governmental and international organizations, and experts. 

The issues of the importance of the transition to the production and use of lead-free paint, the current state of affairs on the development of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) "On the safety of paints and varnishes", as well as its implementation by other EAEU member states were discussed.

2020-12-13 12:57 Student research