On November 28, 2020, 10 a.m., the educational program "Information Systems and Statistics" of Narxoz University holds a "Minor Day ONLINE in the direction of "Information Technology". As part of this event, a competition will be held for the best student project based on the results of studying elective disciplines on the Hangouts Meet platform: https://meet.google.com/tbz-mtiz-hgf The competition will feature the best student papers based on the results of studying the major "Big Data in business, economics and society", which consists of the following courses: Fundamentals of R, Big Data Analytics, Information analysis of business processes (Excel, GRETL, SAS) and elective courses "Quantitative methods for Business", "Web technologies in Business".
The works will be interesting for students who want to study disciplines in the field of "Information
According to the results of the competition, participants are awarded Diplomas of I, II, III degrees and certificates.
"The best student research project"
"The most active student"