
Narxoz University students took 1st place in the XIII Republican competition of Research and Development in the specialty "Accounting and audit"

The competition commission of the II stage of the annual Republican competition of research

works of university students in the specialty "6B04119 - Accounting and audit", approved by the

order of the Rector of Narxoz University dated March 17, 2021 No. 03-01/39 "On the

organization and conduct of the II stage of the annual Republican competition of research works

of students in the specialty "6B04119 -Accounting and Audit", having considered the scientific

works of students, decided to submit for awarding:

1 Diploma of the Ministry of I degree - one work

"Features of accounting and reporting in small business entities applying a special tax regime in

modern conditions" by 3rd-year students majoring in Accounting and Auditing at Narxoz

University Arimbekov Ali, Abdukodirova Maftuna, Sahpantayev Diyas, under the guidance of

Master of Accounting, senior lecturer Shylmaganbetova D.A.

2 Diplomas of the Ministry of II degree - two works:

- "Kazakstandagy bookkeeping yesep zhuyesindegi zhana paradigm: bultty yesep" student of

Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov Abdykalyk Ayazhan, supervisor: PhD

Lambekova A.N.;

- "The effect of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on financial statements and its audit" by

students of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Tokareva Elyana, Sadykova Dina, supervisor:

PhD, Associate Professor F. K. Yerdavletova

3 Diplomas of the Ministry of III degree - three works:

- "Analysis of the company's capital: structure and effectiveness of its use" Ernazarova Darina, a

student of NJC "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin", supervisor:

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor R.M. Zhunusova;

- "Accounting of settlements with personnel on remuneration and analysis of the wage fund and

the effectiveness of its use" by students of the Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations

Uvarova Alena and Duisenova Karina, scientific supervisors: Ph.D. in Economics, Associate

Professor Beisekova Zh. Y. and Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Karbetova Sh. R.;

- "Covid-19-nyn karzhylyk esep pen auditke aseri" Tolegenova Fatima, a student of L.N.

Gumilyov Eurasian National University, supervisor: PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Zholaeva

2021-04-28 12:46 Student research