UniCEN Central Asia University Partnership Program

The Central Asia University Partnerships Program (UniCEN). This project is supported and funded by the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan U.S.-Kazakhstan University Partnerships Program is implemented by the American Councils for International Education. The U.S. Kazakhstan Partnerships Program strengthens educational ties between the two countries by providing opportunities for Kazakhstan universities to establish new partnerships with U.S. institutions, and to adapt and modernize curricula in English as a foreign language, and English in STEM, agribusiness, entrepreneurship, environment and air quality, and commercialization of research.
Current UniCEN projects:

Partnership with the University of Pittsburgh

The project, Capacity Building for Public Administration, has a long-term goal of building a successful and sustainable partnership between the University of Pittsburgh and Narxoz University that will:

1) Support the development of public administration programs (graduate and post-graduate) towards better quality and practice-based learning;

2) Strengthen the capacity of Narxoz School of Law and Public Policy for internationalization of mobility and partnership programs;

3) Establish mechanisms for cooperation between the staff and faculty of Narxoz University and the University of Pittsburgh.

For further information, please, contact Olena Bondarenko: olena.bondarenko@narxoz.kz
Completed UniCEN projects:

Partnership with Washington State University

The research grant was issued to Narxoz University in order to develop and strengthen partnerships between Washington State University and Kazakhstan universities in business research, curriculum, education and pedagogy.
International Development and Partnerships Department
+7 727 377 1297
Office: A238
55, Zhandossov street, Almaty, 050035, Kazakhstan
Learning today – leading tomorrow