Mission and Values

To contribute to the development of society through training of leaders who take on and solve complex integral tasks in real life
To become an internationally-accredited university that provides multidisciplinary and globally-oriented education with strong ties to the industry for future real life leaders
The university is a community committed to values that distinguish us from others and guide our development
Our core values underpin our actions and serve as verification of the integrity of our academic and managerial processes. All action staken by staff, students and partners must be consistent with these values
We have zero tolerance for any form of academic dishonesty or violations of procedures. Everything related to teaching and research must be governed by principles of fairness
Openness and Involvement
We have zero tolerance for any form of academic dishonesty or violations of procedures. Everything related to teaching and research must be governed by principles of fairness
Academic Freedom
We are governed by freedom of choice in teaching and research methods for which we are accountable. Open intellectual discourse, discussion of innovative ideas and search for solutions based on knowledge and professional approaches are our foundation
Respect and Ethics
We reject discrimination of any kind based on gender, age, social and ethnic origin,citizenship, religion or other characteristics. We observe a culture of respect and ethical behavior towards all participants in educational and research activities and in relation to the operation of the university as a whole