
Announcements on competitive vacant positions
 Narxoz University " announces a competition for filling the position of professor of the EP "State and Local Administration" of the School of Law and Public Administration

NJSC " Narxoz University " announces a competition for filling the position of assistant Professor of the EP in the direction of “Mass and Political Communications” at the School of Law and Public Administration, specializing in the field of constitutional law, civil procedural law, contract law, international commercial law, notary law, labor law, legal logic.

NJSC " Narxoz University " announces a competition for the position of associate professor of the EP in the direction of "Jurisprudence" at the School of Law and Public Administration, specializing in the field of constitutional law, civil procedural law, contract law, international commercial law, notary law, labor law, legal logic.

NJSC " Narxoz University " announces a competition for the position of EP professor in the direction of "Jurisprudence" at the School of Law and Public Administration, specializing in the field of constitutional law, civil procedural law, contract law, international commercial law, notary law, labor law, legal logic.

NJSC " Narxoz University " announces a competition for filling the position of senior teacher of the EP in the direction of "Jurisprudence" at the School of Law and Public Administration.

NJSC " Narxoz University " announces a competition for the position of senior lecturer of the EP in the direction of "Law", International Relations" at the School of Law and Public Administration, specializing in the field of civil procedural law, contract law, international commercial law, notary law, labor law, legal logic .

NJSC " Narxoz University " announces a competition for filling the position of associate professor of the EP in the direction of "Law", "International Relations" at the School of Law and Public Administration, specializing in the field of constitutional law, civil procedural law, contract law, international commercial law, notary law, labor law, legal logic.

NJSC " Narxoz University " announces a competition for the position of professor of EP in the direction of "Law", "International Relations" at the School of Law and Public Administration, specializing in the field of constitutional law, civil procedural law, contract law, international commercial law, notary law, labor law , legal logic.

NJSC Narxoz University announces a competition to fill a vacant position Associate Professor , School of Digital Technologies

NJSC Narxoz University announces a competition to fill a vacant position senior lecturer at the School of Digital Technologies

NJSC Narxoz University announces a competition to fill a vacant position  assistant professor at the School of Digital Technologies

NJSC Narxoz University announces a competition to fill a vacant position Professor at the School of Digital Technologies

NJSC Narxoz University announces a competition to fill a vacant position of teacher at the School of Digital Technologies

NJSC " Narxoz University " announces a competition for filling the position of senior lecturer of the EP "HR and business planning"

NJSC " Narxoz University " announces a competition for the position of professor/associate professor/assistant professor of the EP "HR and Business Planning"

NJSC Narxoz University announces a competition for filling the position of senior teacher of the OP "Marketing"

NJSC Narxoz University announces a competition for the position of professor/associate professor/assistant professor of the EP "Marketing"

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