Narxoz University is guided by the principles of corporate governance based on fairness, honesty, responsibility, transparency, professionalism, competence and provides for the relationship between: the sole shareholder, the board of directors, the management Board, stakeholders.


Kiselev Maxim
Independent Director
Zhanar Kaliyeva
Independent Director
The Board of Directors determines the priority areas of activity and the development strategy of the university, makes decisions on the main issues of the university's activities.
Kanat Kozhakhmet
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Independent Director
Member of the Board of Directors
Member of the Board of Directors
Daniyar Tursunkulov
Management Board
Chairman of the Management Board, President
The Management Board implements the decisions of the Sole Shareholder and the Board of Directors of the University, makes decisions on the current activities of the university
Member of the Management Board, Provost
Member of the Management Board, Vice-President for Administrative and Legal Affairs
Kanat Kozhakhmet
Member of the Management Board, Chief Financial Officer
Yerlan Imanov
Member of the Management Board, Vice-President for Science and Commercialization
Member of the Management Board, Vice-President for Development and International Affairs
Member of the Management Board, Human Resources Director
Advisory committee
  • Kozhakhmet Kanat Temirgalyuly

    President, Narxoz University
  • Kemel Aitzhanov

    Member of the BRIDGE Group Supervisory Board

  • Daulet Argandykov
    President, Human Resource Development Center
  • Dana Tokmurzina
    Judge, The Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Adil Syzdykov

    EY Audit Partner

  • Renat Bekturov

    Manager of the Astana International Financial Center

  • Ablaykhan Ospanov

    Former Vice-Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry.

  • Jesper Francl
    General Manager, Rixos Borovoe

  • Evgeniy Nastradin
    CEO, Beeline Kazakhstan
  • Arman Berdalin
    Senior Partner, Sayat Zholshy & Partners
  • Yuri Polsky

    Vice-President of the Kazakhstan Tennis Federation

  • Aigul Abdieva

    Human Resources Business Partner Deloitte Kazakhstan

  • Olzhas Ordabaev

    Former Vice-Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Askar Kaldybaev

    Executive Director of the Atameken Arbitration Center

  • Dagar Davletov

    Director of the Alem programming school

  • Yulia Yakupbaeva

    Chairman of the Tourism Industry Committee under the Presidium of the NCE “Atameken”

  • Aliya Balykbaeva

    Head of Recruitment for Central Asia/HR Business Partner of Ernst&Young Consulting Services

  • Alina Aldambergen

    Chairman of the Board of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC (KASE)

  • Asset Turysov
    Vice Minister, Ministry Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Alexander Danilov

    Former Vice Minister of Information
    and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Aigul Kenzhebaeva
    Managing Partner, Dentons Kazakhstan
  • Nazira Nurbaeva

    Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Almat Zhamiev

    Director of the Legal Support Department of Samruk-Kazyna JSC

  • Saken Zhumashev
    CEO, KPMG Kazakhstan
  • Yernur Rysmagambetov
    Chairman of the Board, AIFC Administration
  • Bekzhan Pirmatov

    Chairman of the Board of JSC ForteBank

  • Umut Shayakhmetova

    Chairman of the Board of JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan"

  • Kiril Bachvarov

    Chairman of the Board of Home Credit Bank Kazakhstan

  • Olzhas Kudaibergenov


  • Eldar Abdrazakov

    Founder and owner of Centras Group

  • Diyar Kanashev

    Chairman of the Board of JSC AK Altynalmas

  • Christopher Campbell-Holt
    Registrar and Chief of Staff, AIFC Court and the International Court of Arbitration

  • Rakhim Oshakbaev

    Economist, Director of the TALAP Center for Applied Research

  • Evgeniy Shcherbinin
    CEO, Prime Source
  • Erlan Dosymbekov
    CPA, Partner Assurance Services, E&Y

  • Kurmanbek Zhumagali

    Chairman of the Board of the NJSC "State Center for Support of National Cinema"

  • Sofia Zhylkaidarova
    Managing Partner, SIGNUM
  • Evgeny Mukhametzhanov

    Project Manager ECO Network

Heads of Centers
Maygul Nugmanova
Director of the Sustainable Kazakhstan Research Institute
Head of the Gender Economics Research Center (GERC).
Heads of departments
Arystanbaeva Saule
Yerlan Toganasov
professor, director
scientific and educational department "Doctoral studies"
Acting Director of the Security Department
Head of the Student Service Center
Ewan Simpson
International Academic Director
Narxoz Business School
Head of the Office of the Provost
Vice President for Science and Commercialization

Furuzonfar Saidamirzod
Director of Marketing and Reception Department
Akmaral Asanova
Director of Scientific Information center - Scientific library

Aigerim Raimzhanova
Vice President for Development and International Affairs
Zhanar Argynbaeva
Director of the kazakhstan-japanese center for human resources development
Bolat Bagibergenov
Director of the Information Technology Department
Kabi Yelikbay
Head of the Student Affairs Office
Daniyar Shakenov
Head of the Procurement Department
Dr. Duprey is the founding Director of the Sustainable Kazakhstan Research Institute and an Associate Professor of Sustainable Development. He directs a diverse portfolio of applied sustainability research project for the University. His work research work includes air quality monitoring through frontier technologies, nature-based solutions to mining industry waste, educational reforms through education for sustainable development, among others. He teaches courses on renewable energy and climate change, as well as, the Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, Dr. Duprey works to build a culture of sustainability both within the University and among our partners by raising awareness on sustainable development to students and staff, as well as, creating partnerships with academia, the public, and private sector.

Brendan has been working globally for over a decade on solutions driven sustainability programs and research. Over the course of his career, he has been known as a sustainability leader with the ability to integrate its diverse aspects to drive solutions by connecting and leading teamwork across-sectors. His greatest success was leading the five-year Framework Program “Education for Sustainable Development in the Western Balkans: Education for Sustainable Futures (2012-2017)”. Through his leadership the Program was instrumental in integrating sustainable development concepts and ideas into the broader educational reforms that are currently underway in the region as part of the global shift to the outcome based learning approach to education in the countries of Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. This success was selected as a best practice for the UNECE evaluation report "Ten Years of the UNECE Strategy on ESD (2005-2015)". It has been promoted at several international forms including the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Nagoya, Japan (2014). He was also a TEDx speaker where he shared his views on how educational reforms can be used as a tool for sustainable development. Brendan holds a PhD licy from Central European University. His academic interests include: EU integration, nature-based solutions to mining industry waste. Implement air quality, educational reforms through ESD and transformational change management. He speaks English, Bulgarian and a knowledge of Russian language.

How to contact?
Whatsapp: +77079467620
Dr. Anjan Ghosh works as an Associate Professor at the Management and Marketing Node and is the founder of the Silk Road Case Center (SRCC). This Center contributes to individual, institutional, organizational and regional development, acting as a point of contact for stakeholders.
- For students: development of analytical skills and decision-making skills through case solving, case research on the ground, case development for international conferences and publications in international journals. SRCC-led activities help students strengthen their resumes for both higher education and employment.
- For teachers: Teacher development through programs and support in the field of case teaching, case research, case creation and publication. SRCC helps teachers use case methods to maximize teaching improvement, conduct advanced case studies on Central Asian organizations, and develop case studies designed for case journals indexed by SCOPUS.
- For organizations: SRCC interacts with organizations and involves them in the development of cases. Case studies help organizations improve brand reach and influence in the regional and global space without any investment.
- For institutes: SRCC acts as a "case method resource center" for regional institutes for teacher development and case study. It also collaborates with global institutes to conduct joint case studies on Central Asia.
More than 20 cases in the process of development and publication - In less than a year, SRCC has successfully engaged more than 20 organizations to develop cases. These cases will be developed and presented to the leading publishers publishing the cases. Some examples under development include:
● Chocofamily
● Glovo
● Zhansai Abdumalik Chess Academy
● Lingvomania
● Astana International Financial Center (AIFC)
● Artishok Theater, Almaty
● 13 cases on creative entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan
Anjan Ghosh is a PhD and Gold medalist (2017) of the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta (IIM). IIM of Management in Calcutta is one of the best business schools in India/Asia and is among the top 50 business schools in QS and Financial Times Global Ranking. Dr. Anjan Ghosh is a member of the Global Network of Business Schools (GBSN), a member of the Board of the Case Research Foundation. In 2021, he was invited to join the editorial advisory board of the South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases (SAJBMC), an international case research journal with the SCOPUS index published by SAGE. An entrepreneur engaged in e-learning during the era of the IT boom in India, Dr. Anjan Ghosh has more than 25 years of experience in management and science.
e-mail: , skype: anjang10
Cell phone: +7 778 4594852
Cabinet: 201

Dr. Anjan Ghosh
PhD in Economics Associate Professor, Head of the Gender Economics Research Center (GERC). Manages the research and work of the Center for the development and implementation of research projects in the field of gender economics, the development of gender education in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, the conduct of trainings, round tables to increase gender awareness of the population, the development of cooperation with governmental and non-governmental structures to promote the research results of the center , the development of a scholarship program for the training of researchers in gender economics; development of international partnerships with researchers and organizations in the field of gender economics.
She graduated from the Belarusian State University with a degree in Political Economy (1989) and defended her thesis "Gender Aspects in Economic Theory and Economics" with a PhD in Economics from the Karaganda University of Economics (2002); Fulbright Scholar, American University (Washington, DC), Gender Economics and Food Security; FIBAA Expert; member of the Central Eurasian Studies Society. Served as project manager/researcher for the UN Women project on women's unpaid work in Kazakhstan; project leader/trainer EU, UNDP UN Women on Women's Economic Empowerment; Erasmus+, TEMPUS EU, FAO Extension in Agriculture projects coordinator; UNDP National Expert on gender assessment and analysis of UN/UNDP programs/projects and development of a gender mainstreaming strategy; National Consultant/Researcher on Human Trafficking in Central Asia at IOM CTC Austria; Chief Academic Editor of Education, Human Rights and Sustainability, IntechOpen, Open Access Publishing, London.
Speaks Russian, English and Kazakh.

Work phone: +7 727 377 20 47
Cabinet: 309

Samazhan Umirzakov coordinates all academic learning processes and manages the academic departments, which are the heart of all business processes for providing quality education.
Provides a complete organization of the educational process at all levels and forms of education. He is a member of many collegiate bodies and commissions of the University. Takes an active part in reviewing doctoral dissertations, monographs, textbooks, manuals, programs, articles. Currently, she supervises diploma and master's theses, research work of PhD doctoral students in the specialties "Management" and "Economics".
Educated at the Almaty Institute of National Economy, graduated from the doctorate of the Department of "Management" of the Kazakh Economic University. T.Ryskulova.
He has been working in the academic environment for over 40 years and has a doctorate in economics. For merits in the organization of educational, methodological, research work, as well as in the training of qualified specialists for the sectors of the economy and scientific and pedagogical personnel, by the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2008, he was awarded the academic title of professor. Samazhan in 2007 became the owner of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best teacher of the university." In 2007, for special merits in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan". He constantly improves his scientific and professional level, conducts an active scientific activity, actively participates in international scientific-practical and educational-methodological conferences. The results of the study are published in publications, the list of which is approved by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science and in publications included in the Scopus database.
He is an Academician of the Regional Academy of Management and the International Academy of Informatization, by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019 "On the opening of dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)" was appointed chairman of the Dissertation Council in the direction of "Economics".
Currently, he is an expert at the Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for expertise.
Speaks native, Russian and English.

Phone: +7 727 377 18 04
Cabinet: 6
Самажан Умирзаков
Margarita Kapustyanskaya heads the financial unit of the university, is responsible for financial planning and reporting, coordinates the development and implementation of financial policy. Represents the interests of the university in work with credit, insurance and investment companies, tax authorities and other external organizations on financial matters.
From 1995 to 2003, she headed the accounting department of the Philip Morris Representative Office in Tashkent. For more than 8 years, she has worked as the head of accounting and internal control at JV KATCO LLP, and has a successful experience in corporate finance management in the energy sector. Over the years, she worked as a CFO in real estate companies, as well as a Managing Director in the Kazakhinvest national company for attracting foreign investment to the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Born in Uzbekistan. She received her basic education at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers. Studied in the magistracy with a degree in management in the field of oil, gas and energy. In 2008, she graduated from the HEC (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Paris) master's program with the award of the International Executive MBA qualification.

Speaks Russian, English and French.
Phone: +7 727 377 12 82
Cabinet: 220 В

Rassim contributes to the development of academic programs aiming to prepare digital engineers, digital managers and media designers, cyber and crypto security specialists, smart system developers, etc. Carries out strategic management focused on ensuring the quality of academic programs, attracts the best teaching practitioners from among IT community to deliver courses, interacts with partners from the IT market. Supervises teachers and students of the Higher School of Digital Technology.

His academic career began from a teaching position, he worked as the director of the automation department and deputy dean of the Faculty of Engineering at SDU. He served as the Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies at KBTU. He has 15 years of teaching experience in computer science, computer engineering and electronics. He has over 20 publications in recognized scientific journals.

His educational background from undergraduate to master's and PhD is related to computer systems, computer engineering and software.

Phone: +7 727 377 1967
Cabinet: 209


Meruyert is an experienced specialist in the field of higher education management, developing business programs: Mini MBA, MBA, Executive MBA, DBA, as well as double degree programs with foreign universities. Works on the creation and promotion of relevant educational programs both locally and internationally. Coordinates the cooperation of the Center for Applied Finance of the Graduate Business School with the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the program "Master of Applied Finance".
Previously, she managed the Almaty campus of Geneva Business School Kazakhstan, headed the Executive MBA programs at KIMEP University. She is an expert in the administration of higher and post higher education, has extensive academic experience in the field of international education.

Speaks Russian, English.
Phone +7 727 377 13 04
Cabinet: 306

Liliya Bisengali provides full legal support on the activities of the university, develops the legal policy of the university, controls legal issues, personnel work, coordinates the development and implementation of methods for managing and developing the university staff in accordance with the strategic goals and objectives of the university set by the leadership.
She has come a long way from the position of an intern to a compliance manager at KazTransCom JSC, worked as a Senior Legal Consultant at the international company KPMG. Also in 2012, she teaches the disciplines of the criminal law cycle full-time and using distance learning technologies. He holds a PhD in Law.

Speaks native, Russian and English.

Phone: +7 727 377 19 51
Cabinet: 528

Gimranova Dilbar Dosmailovna has been the Director of the Higher School of Economics and Management since September 2020. The school includes the main financial and economic areas of study – scientific and educational departments "Finance and Data Analysis", "Accounting and Audit", "Economics", "Management and Marketing", as well as the "Gender Economics" project and Silk Road Case Center. Dilbar Dosmailovna supervises the issues of developing double degree programs with Coventry University and bachelor's and master's degree programs that meet international standards, preparing programs for international accreditation. D. D. Gimranova also successfully develops partnerships with international professional associations in the field of finance, accounting and auditing, bachelor's degree programs have received full accreditation from ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and Cima (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) under her leadership.

Dilbar Dosmailovna has 20 years of experience in the field of higher education, she is one of the founders of the International Conference Academic Integrity in Kazakhstan, and a recognized expert in the field of international accreditation. Dilbar Dosmailovna has an MBA degree from KIMEP University and M.Phil degree from the Maastricht School of Management (Netherlands).

Phone.: +7 727 377 18 14
Cabinet: 210

Dilbar Gimranova
Ewan provides expert assistance for achieving international accreditation and increasing the international ranking of the university. He also collaborates with the directors of Higher Schools to ensure the quality of educational programs and considers questions and proposals from stakeholders together with the President of the University regarding the development of the university.
Ewan, a native of Scotland, is a researcher with a PhD in management from the University of Glasgow, a top 100 university in both QS and Times Higher world rankings. He also worked at the University of Glasgow for more than eleven years as a research consultant to government agencies including the UK Government and European Commission on a wide range of economic development and business issues.
Over the years, Ewan has held various positions including Executive Director for Academic Quality and Vice President for Planning and Development at KIMEP University, and worked as Dean of the KBTU Business School. Thanks to his expertise, these universities have passed international accreditation and received international certifications. Ewan has also been involved in the development of new programs including online learning, corporate training, incentives and research funding support, seminars, conference activities and corporate training.

Phone.: +7 727 377 .. ..

Kairat coordinates research activities, conducts research methodology trainings, and works improve research capacity of the University’s academic staff. He supervises PhD department, Research Department, and Scientific Library, which includes the Center for Electronic Resources, the Sector for Library Services and Storage of Funds, the Sector for Acquisition and Cataloging. He is a member of collegial bodies of the University, coordinates the work of several committees, including those on ethics.

He studied at KIMEP, received an MBA degree from Suleyman Demirel University (Kazakhstan), obtained a PhD degree from University of Malaya with sponsorship from "Bolashak" and Malaysian Government. He is actively engaged in research in the fieldы of higher education and the political economy of regional integration, conducts scientific trainings and seminars. His book "From Idea to Publication: Research Methodology in the Social Sciences" was widely distributed in Kazakhstan and abroad. Kairat has acclaimed publications in international journals (Studies in Higher Education, Journal of International Relations and Development) and Routledge and Palgrave edited volumes.

Previously served as Provost at Paragon International University in Cambodia. He started his career as an entrepreneur, managed a branch a Russian company and later moved to the higher education sector, where he worked as a lecturer, head of a department and professor-researcher.
Fluent in Kazakh, Russian and English.

cabinet: 10
Anar Umerzakovna is the Acting Director of the Higher School and manages educational, educational, research work. Develops and implements a strategy for the development of the Higher School, ensures high-quality interaction with employers and government agencies. Analyzes trends in the development of the educational services market, promptly and flexibly responds to challenges in the educational process.

He has a bachelor's and master's degree in law. She worked in Kazakhstani law firms and the University of KAZGUU named after. M. Narikbaeva. She held the positions of a teacher at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Deputy Director of the Department of Postgraduate Education and International Relations, Director of the Library. M.S. Narikbaeva.

Phone: +7 727 377 19 93
Cabinet: 440Б
The area of ​​responsibility of Gulnara Abdikadirova includes the development of disciplinary design and architecture of the educational process, the quality of implementation and updating of master's programs. Coordinates cooperation with academic partners of the Center for Applied Finance and employers on teaching, research, internships and employment of undergraduates. Creates a positive and motivating atmosphere for teaching and learning at the Center for Applied Finance.

Gulnara Abdikadirova is a graduate of the Narxoz University, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor. She has been working in the system of postgraduate education since 2005. For 13 years, she was Deputy Director of the NBRK Master's Degree Department, where she oversaw the design, budgeting and implementation of educational programs. She has experience in the banking system, is an independent director of the Board of Directors of Halyk Leasing JSC. She was awarded the jubilee medal "20 years of tenge". She has an effective experience in the development and implementation of relevant practice-oriented master's programs in the field of economics and finance, is the author of scientific and methodological works.

Office phone: +7 727 377 13 25
Room: 303 (Business School office)

Aigerim Raimzhanova - PhD, Director of the Department of International Development and Partnership. The duties of the Department include the development of internationalization and the integration of the University into the international educational space, including the coordination of international partnerships, the organization of academic mobility, the implementation of international programs and scholarships, and work with foreign students and teachers.
A. Raimzhanova was educated in the USA, Great Britain and Germany. The topic of the doctoral dissertation was “Power: hard, soft or smart? Education as a smart power resource” (Magna Cum Laude). She has extensive experience in teaching, research and administrative work. She has teaching experience in Kazakhstan and Germany. Scientific achievements include more than 10 scientific articles, a monograph and chapters in books from world publishers, including Springer. She speaks Kazakh, Russian and English.
cab. 5 ULK-2
Kamar Kozhakhmetova heads the University's Office of Advisers, is responsible for academic counseling of students, recognition of formal and non-formal learning outcomes of students, considers students' academic issues, and coordinates the preparation of the university's academic catalog.
From 2007 to 2012 she worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Economics at the North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybaev. From 2013 to 2020 she was a senior lecturer and Head of the Office of Advisors at the University of KAZSLU named after M. S. Narikbaev. In October 2020, she began working at Narxoz University as a Deputy for Development of the School of Economics and Management, since August 2021 she has been in charge of the Office of Advisors.
Bachelor's and Master's degree in Economics received at the North-Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybaev. In 2018, she completed the Entrepreneurship Education to Strengthen Emerging Economies course at the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India under the ITEC program. Speaks Kazakh, Russian, English.

Office phone: +7 727 377 12 82 (1728)
Cabinet: 1

Ensures the safety of the protected objects of NJSC Narxoz University from external encroachments and illegal acts.
Graduated from the Kazakh State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Caspian Public University in Almaty.
From 1995 to 2015 he served in law enforcement agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He went from a platoon commander of a police regiment to the deputy head of the department of the Bostandyk district of the Department of Internal Affairs in Almaty.
Since April 2017, he has headed the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption Monitoring of the Narxoz University.

phone: +77717471714

Acting Director of the Security Department
Zhanar Orazgalieva is the head of the Kazakh-Japanese Center for Human Resource Development. As the head of the Japan Center, she is responsible for the implementation of the three main areas of the Center's activities - language, cultural and business programs. Carries out active interaction with partner organizations - the Japan Foundation (Japan Foundation) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on the organization of Japanese language courses and training programs for small and medium-sized businesses.

She began her professional experience in the field of international relations in the structure of the civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the International Cooperation Department of the Customs Control Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Nur-Sultan. In 2007, as a Program Officer, she began working in the project of the Japanese Agency JICA "Kazakhstan-Japanese Center for Human Resources Development". During the period of work at the Center, she was involved in a number of projects to train representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in Japanese management. As a representative of the Japan Center in Nur-Sultan, she was involved in the implementation of the JICA project to develop the capacity of civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Graduated from the Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylai Khan, majoring in consular service in Almaty. Repeatedly passed internships and trainings of JICA in Japan (Japanese Style Management, Business Course Management Program, etc.). Also, she has a specialization in the field of HRM of the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Forecasting (KIMEP).
Speaks Russian and English.

Office phone: +7 727 377 12 54


Nurakhmet Aitenov heads the Research Department, is responsible for coordinating, organizing and monitoring the research activities of the University, supporting research centers and research projects, introducing the necessary mechanisms for the development of the scientific environment at the University.
From 2015 to the present day he has been working at Narxoz University, in different years working as a teacher, leading specialist of the dean's office, senior academic manager of the Student Services Center, senior coordinator of the Research Department. Participated in scientific projects of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "China and the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "New Silk Road: from regional cooperation to the integration of Kazakhstan into the world political and economic space". He is the technical editor of the scientific journal Central Asian Economic Review.

He received his basic education at Narxoz University with a degree in International Relations. Studied under the USCO double-degree program at the Master's program at Narxoz University and the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin in the direction of regional studies.

Speaks Kazakh, Russian and English.

Office phone: +7 727 377 12 78
Cabinet: 13
Arystanbayeva Saule organizes the process of training scientific and pedagogical personnel for PhD doctoral programs, coordinates educational and research work of doctoral students, prepares and defends doctoral dissertations for the PhD degree.
Saule Sabyrovna was born in the city of Kyzyl-Orda, a graduate of the Moscow Institute of National Economy named after G.V. Plekhanov with a degree in Finance and Credit, has been working at Narxoz University since 1979. In 1986 she completed a full-time postgraduate study at the Moscow Financial Institute, defended her Ph.D. "Finance money circulation and credit".
From 1979 to 1990 she worked as a teacher at the Department of "Finance", senior lecturer, associate professor at the Department of Finance of branches of the national economy" of the Almaty Institute of National Economy. From 1993 to 2007, for 14 years, she headed the structural divisions of the university carrying out educational and research activities: the Research Institute of Financial and Banking Management (1993-1996), the Center for Development Strategy (1996-2002), Vice-Rector of the UMO (2002-2003), master's program of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan - a joint project of KazEU with the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2003-2007).
From 2007 to 2014 she was the first Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KazEU named after T. Ryskulov.
Since 2014 - Director of the Higher School of Postgraduate Programs and Coordination of Scientific Research, since 2016 - Director of the Scientific and Educational Department "Doctoral Studies".
Arystanbayeva Saule has extensive experience as a coordinator of international projects of the European Union (2012-2017), in projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is a member of the working group for the development of regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Bologna Process Center, the Republican Educational and Methodological Council (UMO RUMS) in economic specialties, an expert of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR), Chairman of the Dissertation Council for the Defense of Doctoral Dissertations (PhD), Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Central Asian Economic Review.

Arystanbayeva Saule Sabyrovna has State awards, promotions, diplomas:
✔ Order "Kurmet" - 2016
✔ badge - "Honorary Worker of Education" - " Бiлiм беру iсiнiң құрметтi қызметкерi" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2009.
✔ badge - "For contribution to the development of science" - "Ғылымды дамытуға сiңiрген еңбегi үшiн" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2013.
✔ Honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2003, 2017
Speaks Kazakh, Russian.

Office phone: +7 727 377 1116

Arystanbayeva Saule - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director Scientific and Educational Department "Doctoral Studies"

Amanseikova Bakyt is in charge of the University Registrar's Office. The office-registrar is a structural unit responsible for maintaining the history of students (orders for the movement of the contingent; registration for disciplines; issuance of documents confirming the fact of studying at the university; preparation of diplomas and applications for them).
She is a graduate of the scientific and pedagogical magistracy of Narxoz University.
Over the years, she worked as a teacher, leader in the field of higher and postgraduate education.
Office phone: +7 727 377 12 46
cabinet: 7


Aida Dzhunusbayeva heads the Dean's office for work with students of the University, is responsible for coordinating the work of student self-government bodies, represents the interests of students at the university, implements a plan for cultural and festive events, and ensures their implementation.
From 2016 to 2020 she worked in the field of information technology. She taught at the universities: Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, International Business - UIB, Almaty Management University - AlmaU and NJSC Narxoz University. From 2020 to 2021, she worked as a senior lawyer at the Bolashak Training and Certification Center. She worked as the director of the Student Development Center, in the educational institution "Almaty Management University".
Graduated from the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, Faculty: Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty: "Computer Engineering and Software". From 2017 to 2018 she studied within the framework of the academic mobility program under the programs "Erasmus +, MES RK". At universities: UCA (Universidad de Cadiz) and ISEL (Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa) with the award of a master's degree in engineering. Passed an internship on the educational module "Software Engineering" at ITMO University, St. Petersburg. She received her second higher education at the University of Turan with a degree in jurisprudence.
Speaks Kazakh, Russian, English.

Office phone: +7 727 377 12 84
Cabinet: 21
Dinara Abdullina oversees the work of the Department of Business Education (DBE), where MBA, EMBA and DBA programs are implemented. DBE also creates customized programs - packaging programs for the needs of corporate clients, using elements of gamification, simulation games and simulators, in cooperation with laboratories and research centers.
Since 2011, she has been working in the field of education, holding senior positions in the dean's office for work with students, the department for recruiting applicants and financial support, and the MBA department. She has a bachelor's degree in restaurant business and hotel business from Almaty Management University, studied at the MBA program from 2015 to 2017 at the same university. She participated in the exchange program of the partner university Taylor’s University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and also underwent a scientific internship under the Erasmus + program at Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland.
Speaks Kazakh, Russian and English.

What's app.: +7 705 556 99 23
Cabinet: 305, Narxoz Business School building


Natalya Valerievna manages the provision of methodological support for the academic process and educational programs of the University. Coordinates the introduction and implementation of the Academic Policy of the University, internal regulations governing the academic process; designing educational programs of the University, monitoring their development and implementation, change management; academic advising staff; development of academic culture.
Over the years, she worked in the positions of administration of the academic process, has experience in administering joint educational programs; to ensure a risk management system in the academic process arising from non-compliance with the law; on the development of the academic culture of higher education.
She received her education at Almaty State University, in 2010 she graduated from the Master's program in the specialty "Strategic Management", receiving a Master's degree in Business Administration.
Office phone: +7 727 377 12 77
Office: 17


Omar Aytkazin, directly manages military training, planning, organizing and monitoring the educational, methodological and educational activities of the department, organizes the educational process based on high-quality teaching, forms and manages the staff of the military department.

In 1984-1986, he did military service in the communications training center of the Russian Federation, in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, Zagorsky district, Moscow region. He worked as Deputy General Director for Sales of the Joint Venture "Almaty Bus Assembly Plant". From 1999 to 2016, he served in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, held senior positions, including the head of the Department of Defense of the city of Kokchetu, Akmola region, deputy head of the Department of Defense of the South Kazakhstan region, deputy head of the Department for affairs of defense of the city of Almaty. Since 2016, he has been working at the military department of the university. He worked as a teacher, head of the cycle, and deputy head of the military department. Since 2018, he has been the head of the military department of the university.

He received his basic education at Karaganda State University. Graduated from the Kokshetau Institute of Economics and Management, National Defense University named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Leader of the Nation.

Work phone +7-727-377-12-01

Bagashar Zhumazhanuly is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the university's strategy in terms of information technology and the provision of high-quality IT services to all stakeholders at the University.
Since 2015, he has been working as the head of the Department of Software Development and Maintenance of Information Systems.
He received his education at the Almaty State University, Abai. Studied a master's degree in information systems. In 2008 he graduated from the magistracy of KEU. T.Ryskulova, with the award of the qualification of equipment and technology. In 2011 he received the degree of candidate of technical sciences.

Office phone: +7 727 377 16 26
Cabinet: 316

Kuralai Kanaeva heads the Center for Distance Learning of the University, which organizes and supports the educational process of the University using distance learning technologies. Provides academic support for the LMS system and provides consulting, technical support to the faculty and students of the University on the application of DLC. It also conducts student seminars and trainings for University employees on the use of DLC in the educational process.

In 2010 she graduated with a bachelor's degree in Information Systems, in 2012 - a master's degree from the Kazakh Economic University. T. Ryskulova. She holds a master's degree in economics with a degree in finance. In 2016, she took a language course in Chinese at the Northeast Normal University (Northeast Normal University, China, Jilin). Work experience at the university - 12 years.

Fluent in Kazakh, Russian and Chinese (HSK 3) languages.

Office phone: +7 727 377 19 57
Cabinet: 215

Kuralay Kanaeva
Director of the Distance Learning Center
She has experience working with UN agencies in the field of child rights protection and on issues of education development in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

She has been engaged in teaching since 2014. She has taught courses on academic writing, writing and thinking, research skills, and international development at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, SDU University, and NarxozUniversity.

At Narxoz University, she focuses on developing students' critical thinking, analysis, writing, and listening skills within the general education programs. Additionally, she assists in the development of seven educational programs at the School of Arts and Social Sciences (Sociology, Social Work, Psychological Counseling, Restaurant and Hotel Business, Tourism and Hospitality, Ecology, Environment and Sustainable Development), including dual programs.

She is fluent in Russian and English. She is a graduate of the University of Cambridge (PhD, Development Studies) and the University of Denver (MA, International Development).

Anel Kulakhmetova
He has significant experience working in Kazakhstani universities in managerial positions.

He has more than seven years of managerial experience working with major international organizations such as the World Bank and the OECD in the implementation of major educational development projects, research and analytical programs.

As Provost, he is engaged in repositioning the University, attracting talented students, strengthening the faculty, academic processes, and partnerships.

He is fluent in Kazakh, Russian, and English.

Erlan Shulanov
Doctor of Law, Professor

He has extensive experience in public service, the quasi-governmental sector, and diplomatic service. Over the years, he has worked in the Office of the Prime Minister, served as the Managing Director of Legal Affairs and a Member of the Board at JSC "Samruk-Kazyna", been an Advisor at the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation, and the Chief of Staff for the Akim of Almaty.

He is the author of more than 100 scientific works on judicial proceedings.

Knight of the Order of “Kurmet".

He is fluent in Kazakh, Russian, and English.

Talgat Sarsenbaev
He has extensive experience working in leading Kazakhstani universities, both in academic and research fields as well as in management positions.

In 2021-2022, he served as the first Provost of Narxoz University, participated in the opening of the School of Digital Technologies and in the structural reorganization of the university.

He served as the Rector of Suleyman Demirel University (2017–2019) and led Astana IT University (2019–2020).

He holds a PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management.

He is fluent in Kazakh, Russian, English, and Turkish.

Kanat Temirgalievich Kozhakhmet