International Scientific and Practical Conference

The collection presents the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on analytical psychology and general issues of psychology "THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE COLLECTIVE IN THE PSYCHE AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP IN THE MODERN WORLD".
«The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Regional Development in Central Asia»

Materials of the Ⅳ scientific and practical international student conference. Narxoz University, Research Department, Almaty, March 28, 2023 / ed. Zh. Zh. Argynbaeva, A. M. Kulagina and A. K. Turysbek. – Almaty: Narxoz University, 2023. – 534 p.

II international scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates with the publication of scientific articles. LLP Publishing House "Fortuna Polygraph". 2023. – 265 pp.

The collection contains abstracts of speeches by participants in the international scientific and practical conference “Narxoz Student Research – 2022”. They address issues of economics, law, finance and sustainable development issues. The publication is intended for teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates, students of higher educational institutions and other interested parties.

The collection is devoted to current issues of socio-psychological work in the conditions of the new social reality. The conference materials are intended for young scientists, teachers, students, as well as anyone interested in the development of socio-psychological work.

The collection of abstracts of the international scientific and practical conference “Ryskulov Readings - 2022: The Impact of Applied Research on Decision Making” examines the importance of using data and a scientific approach in decision making at all levels and in all areas of activity.

The Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Masters of the Higher School of Economics and Management of Narxoz University “Social Investments in Improving the Quality of Life of the Population” presents scientific publications on social investments and areas for improving the well-being of citizens of Kazakhstan.

The Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Masters of the Higher School of Economics and Management of Narxoz University “Social Investments in Improving the Quality of Life of the Population” presents scientific publications on social investments and areas for improving the well-being of citizens of Kazakhstan.

The collection is devoted to current issues of foreign policy and political and legal aspects of the development of Independent Kazakhstan. The conference materials are intended for researchers, teachers, young scientists, practitioners, as well as anyone interested in issues of law and public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
