International Economic Law

Double degree program


  • Our program is being implemented jointly with one of Russia's top universities - the Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation.

    This International Business Law program was developed in order to meet the growing demand for lawyers from export-oriented and multinational companies, government agencies and international, interstate structures. Graduates of this profile have fundamental and applied knowledge, as well as practical competencies in the field of national legislation and international law in the field of legal regulation of regional and international economic relations.

    An important area of preparation is the study of the law of international intergovernmental organizations (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, etc.), which in modern conditions play an important role in regulating the international economic system. Within the framework of the program, a lot of research work is being carried out, the main directions of which include international cooperation in the fight against economic crimes, international financial regulation standards, WTO law, legal regulation of investment and trade disputes, etc.

    The program is aimed at training personnel with the necessary competencies and qualifications in the field of international legal regulation of economic and financial relations. Particular attention in the preparation process is given to the development of students' skills of independent analysis of various international legal acts regulating international financial and economic relations, a systematic examination of the phenomena of international life based on the principles and norms of international law, the ability to objectively assess the possibilities and ways of applying the recommendations of international organizations .

After the completion of the program graduates can

Interpret international laws regulating international financial and economic relations.
To analyze and qualify the events and facts of international economic and financial life.
Participate in the legal examination of legislative bills and acts with regards to international compliance and anti-corruption standards.
Provide qualified legal opinions and advice on international economic issues.
have communication and legal writing skills, work in a team in order to achieve the most effective result.
Participate in the development of regulatory legal acts and other legal documents using the techniques and rules of legal technology.

Core disciplines

This discipline gives an idea of the concept, functions, system of international law; sources and principles of international law; correlation of international and domestic law; subjects of international law, their legal personality.
This discipline gives the concept of types of investments and investment activities; subjects of investment activity and protection of investor rights; MIGA rules. It gives an idea of the legal forms of investment activity.

Discipline determines the legal nature of international financial law; correlation of international public and private norms in this area. Discloses the essence of model contracts and conflict of laws norms; legal status of international organizations.

Discipline defines the concept, subject and system of international economic law; sources and principles of international economic law. It gives an idea of the legal status of subjects of international economic law and their responsibility.

This discipline gives an idea of the concept of private international law, its subjects and sources of private international law; features of conflict norms. It lets you learn about international contractual obligations and foreign trade transactions.

Discipline gives an idea of the peaceful settlement of international economic disputes; general provisions for the settlement of international trade disputes and international investment disputes; international economic disputes.


  • Classes are held with the involvement of practitioners in the field of law from the banking and financial sectors of the economy in the field of international legal institutions
  • Undergraduates receive knowledge and practice-oriented competencies in the field of international economic law, and legal regulation of financial and economic legal relations within the framework of integration and globalization processes of the current stage of development of the world economy
  • The program is implemented jointly with the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • During the educational program for each academic discipline there are appropriate training technologies and, above all, interactive forms, such as: role-playing and business games; brainstorming and design methods, work in small groups; solving situational problems, incidents; holding round tables, debates, discussions, etc.
  • Students have practice in government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, whose competence includes the implementation of foreign policy powers in the field of economics and finance, as well as in corporations with experience in the international economic sphere.


  • The Financial University was founded in 1919 and is included in the top 170 universities in the international QS EECA ranking (countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia), and in QS BRICS the university takes 153 position in rankings.

    For five years, the university has been among the top 20 best universities in Russia according to the Expert RA rating agency. In 2019, the Financial University took 15th place in the RAEX ranking of "100 Best Russian Universities", as well as:

    • 17th place in terms of quality education;
    • 12th place in the field of information technology;
    6th place in demand for graduates by employers.

Career & Job

  • The educational program is aimed at training personnel with practical competencies and professional qualifications in the field of regional and international legal regulation of economic and financial relations based on knowledge of modern doctrines in the field of international public and private international law; international regulatory documents, as well as decisions of international courts, tribunals, arbitrations, national courts, modern national legislation governing international economic relations.

    Particular attention in the preparation process is given to the development of students' self-interpretation skills of the rules of law governing national, regional and international financial and economic relations; system analysis of international law in the field of international economic law; legal orientation in the integration processes taking place in the economic space, in conjunction with global processes in the field of financial and economic relations.

    The main consumers of specialists in the labor market in this field are the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, whose competence includes issues of law-making and law enforcement in the field of international financial and economic relations. Graduates are of interest to international banking organizations and associations, as well as financial institutions whose activities are closely related to issues of finance, investment, cross-border capital flows.