Interdisciplinary Education Center

Our faculty

The center contributes to forming socially oriented worldview of 1-year students during basic disciplines in context of modernization of public consciousness, which is defined by the State program “Looking into future: modernization of public consciousness”.Language programs consist of English, Kazakh, Russian, French and Chinese courses. The aim is to provide Bachelor and Master degree students with a high level of language education. These programs have twice won the grant from British Council to conduct a Creative Spark English Club and to supply with course books for educational purposes.

“Physical education” course helps students keep fit, improve their health, form the habit of having a healthy lifestyle, get the skills to achieve goals and work in a team. The lessons are aimed to develop the care of the health, high level of professional activity, necessity of regular physical exercises and sport practice. Students groups are formed according to their choice and their physical abilities.

General Education Disciplines include “Philosophy” course and “Modern History of Kazakhstan”. The lecturers work both with Bachelor and Master degree students, they realize interdisciplinary module program “Module of Social-Political disciplines”, which combines the basic disciplines of these sphere: Sociology, Phycology, Cultural and Political studies. They also teach “Academic writing” course for younger courses and “History and Philosophy of science” for Master students.

Learning outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the courses, students will be able to:
  • Analyze the peculiarities of social, political, historical, cultural, psychological institutions in context of its role in modernization of national society;
  • Determine the socio-ethical values of the society;
  • Analyze situations in different areas of communication from the standpoint of correlation with the system of values, social, business, cultural, legal and ethical norms of Kazakhstani society;
  • Develop programs for resolving conflict situations in society, including the professional community;
  • Carry out research project activities in various areas of communication, generate socially valuable knowledge and present it;
  • Correctly express and reasonably defend their own opinion on the issues of social importance;
  • Improve the knowledge of foreign language.
General Education Disciplines
  • Kan Georgy
    Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at Narxoz University.
    Scientific and pedagogical experience - 42 years.

    Author of about 300 scientific works, including more than 20 monographs published in the USA, Europe, China, Korea, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries, including the monograph "Model of Interethnic Consent of the First President of Kazakhstan" (Astana, 2010 .), “Uly dala tarihy” (Astana, 2015), as well as six textbooks and teaching aids. From 2017 to the present, he is the director of the course of the International Foundation "EURASIA FOUNDATION (from Asia)". Participated in
    international conferences of the Foundation in Hanoi (Vietnam), Seoul (Republic of Korea). He gave guest lectures at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (India, Delhi), the University of Burgos (Spain).
  • Rosa Kimalkhanovna Tursynova
    Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
    She specializes in Social Philosophy Issues, Philosophy of Education. She has more than 35 years of scientific and pedagogical work experience. The list of her scientific and methodological works includes more than 150 titles: 16 of them are teaching aids for undergraduate and graduate programs; 5 monographs, 2 articles in publications with a non-zero impact factor in the international citation base. She is an Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan. She was awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan and the Gold Medal named after Akhmet Baytursynov.
    She is a scientific expert of “Al-Farabi” scientific magazine (approved by COXON MES RK)
  • Jamilya Malik-Aidarovna Assylbekova
    Doctor of History, Associate professor
    She specializes in the issues of Modern History of Kazakhstan, socio-demographical processes in KZ. She has 28 years of scientific and pedagogical work experience. She is an author of about 150 scientific works, including 5 scientific monographs, publications in magazines indexed by WebofScience and Scopus. She is the member of editing committee of “Otan Tarikhy” magazine (approved by COXON MES RK), an expert in Educational programs of Social Sciences.
  • Kalmurat Usenovich Sybanbayev
    PhD candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
    He deals with the issues of creative activity of an individual and the development of society. He has 38 years of scientific and pedagogical work experience. He published a monography, about 10 course books and teaching aids and 70 scientific articles. He is an expert of the socio-humanitarian research journal “Al-Farabi”, recommended by COXON MES RK for the publication of the results of scientific activities in Philosophy and Political Science, which is included in Kazakhstani scientific base. He was awarded with the Badge “IIM Zdik Kyzmeti ushin”
  • Alma Dauletbekovna Zhusupova
    PhD candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor
    Her research topic is the formation of tripartism in the RK, the problems of Foreign Policy of RK, the problems of reforming the higher education system of RK. She has published more than 60 scientific and methodological articles and 3 course books. Her rewards are: 09.01. 2007 г. State grant of the Republic of Kazakhstan “The best teacher of the year”,
    21st November,2003 Certificate of Honor from Akimat of Almaty.
    04th October 2013 Anniversary Medal and Certificate of Honor from T.Ryskulov KazEU
    22.02.2014 Grant from KazEU named after T.Ryskulov “The best teacher of 2013”.
  • Botagoz Bolatovna Zhaksybaeva
    PhD candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
    She is the author of more than 50 scientific and methodological articles, published in Kazakhstani and Foreign journals, scientific publications recommended by COCXON MES RK. She is the winner of the competition: “The best course book or teacher’s aids in national language” She has created the courses “Psychology and Ethics”, “Ethics in Economics and Management”, “Critical Thinking”. Also she is the author of the next minor courses: “Philosophy of Culture”, “Philosophy of Law|”. She has an experience of conducting methodological training course for teachers “Thinking and Writing” in Kazakh language.
  • Elmira Kartambaevna Saudabekova
    PhD candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of VAK
    She teaches the courses of Social Humanitarian Module, has got teaching experience of more than 30 years. She published over 40 articles, created a course book in “Philosophy” with the mark of Humanitarian and Natural Science RUMS of Higher and Postgraduate education of Ministry of Education and Science of KZ on the basis of KazNU named after Al-Farabi. The course book corresponded to the National Educational Standard in “050201 – Philosophy” in 2008. She was a trainer of “Innovative technologies in Education” course, she has an experience of creating and conducting Minor course “Logics and Language”, “Ethics of Thinking”. She is a member of the research project, funded by the State, AP09260297 “Media strategy for information support and social adaptation of Kandas and migrants in Kazakhstan” (2021-2023 г.г.); also a lecturer of International Educational Project “Eurasian Community (from Asia)” in 2021.
  • Mahabbat Kozuevna Tashbulatova
    PhD candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
    She has been working in the educational sphere for about 25 years. She teaches subjects of Social and Humanitarian Modules for both undergraduates and postgraduates. In 2019 she created and conducted the Minor course “Philosophy of Law”
    Her range of scientific interests includes: Philosophy of Culture, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Conversation. In addition, she has got some publications on the theoretical and methodological foundations of the Human Capital Theory. Also she has more than 40 scientific articles and publications, including 2 text books and 1 monograph, articles in National and international journals, recommended by COCXON MES RK. In 2021 she was a lecturer of the International Educational Project “Eurasian Community” (from Asia).
  • Maygul Adamovna Mekebaeva
    PhD candidate of Political Sciences , Associate Professor
    She is a specialist in Political Science, History and Psychology. Her teaching experience is about 25 years. She has about 40 scientific and methodological publications. She supervised the project “Thousand-faced Youth” at the Research Institute of Social and Gender studies at Kazakh State Women Pedagogical University in 2018. Also she was a coordinator and a participant of various grant research projects.
  • Saya Zhanatovna Boltayeva
    Senior lecturer of General Discipline module
    Her work experience is 25 years. She teaches the subjects of Social and Humanitarian Module in General Education Department. She specializes in issues of Modern History of Kazakhstan, socio-demographic processes in RK. She has more than 20 articles and publications, including 2 course books, articles for international scientific conferences, 2 articles in publications with non-zero impact factor according to the international citation base.
  • Didar Sovetkhanuly Toleugazy
    Master of Social Science, senior lecturer of General Discipline Module
    He has the skills of using next teaching methods: CBL, TBL, RBL, PrBL, IPL, PBL, IDL, interactive methods, active lecture).
    In addition, he has an experience of conducting the full cycle of sociological, quantitative and qualitative research. He has got several publications in scientific journals, which are based on his own sociological investigation.
Language Disciplines
  • Abisheva Zhanar
    She has been working as a teacher of practical, business, professionally oriented English since 1995 at Narxoz University.
    The total teaching experience is 34 years, 26 of them - within the walls of Narxoz. Leads such disciplines as General English, Business English, Academic Speaking. Published 12 scientific articles in national scientific journals. Trained in Calw (Germany, Baden Wurttemberg).

    She is one of the translators of the textbook by the American scientist-economist Ricky Griffin "Management" within the framework of the program "Spiritual Revival. 100 books in the Kazakh language”. Abisheva Zh.T. regularly attends various seminars and trainings for professional development, which are held by such centers as the British Council, Inter Press, Study Inn. and others, completed the advanced training course of the teaching staff of Narxoz University "Academic Writing". Cambridge TKT Module 1, Cambridge TKT Module 2.

    Participated in the development and examination of entrance tests for master's and doctoral studies at the National Testing Center commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She always actively participates in significant events of the LC and the University, is a member of the Ethics Committee of the Narxoz University and she prepared the teaching materials for the discipline “Foreign Language” according to the textbooks “Business Results” and “Headway” for level A1.
    Abisheva Zh.T. annually takes part in the UNT and entrance tests for master's and doctoral studies as the Chairman of the Appeal Commission and a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in different cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, has experience as a translator.

    In September 2020, a Republican competition was held to identify the best teachers with innovative ideas in the field of education "Honorary Teacher of Kazakhstan". According to the results of the competition, senior teacher - trainer of the Linguistic Center Abisheva Zh.T. became the winner and was awarded the Diploma of the 1st degree and the medal "Honorary Teacher of Kazakhstan".

  • Tleshbaeva Raikul
    Orientalist, sinologist, philologist, as well as a master's degree in economics and business.
    Total experience - 32 years, since 1996 she has been teaching Chinese at Narxoz University, and also prepares students for the international qualification exam to determine the level of the Chinese language HSK. She constantly improves her qualifications, took advanced courses at universities in China, Switzerland, Turkey and the USA. Participates in international scientific and methodological conferences and is the author of 10 scientific and methodological articles.
    It closely cooperates with the Chinese Consulate and the Confucius Institute at Al-Farabi KazNU, with Chinese higher educational institutions such as the East China Pedagogical University (Shanghai) and the Northeast Pedagogical University (Chanchong). Every year, students take summer Chinese language courses at these universities.

    Actively participates in all activities of the University, annually organizes the Spring Festival for students. Conducts a huge introductory, educational, educational, work with students.
  • Kruglova Irina
    Master of Translation Studies, Senior Lecturer at the Linguistic Center.
    Total teaching experience 17 years, holder of several international certificates in teaching methods (CELTA, TK1,2,3). Over the years of work, she has developed and conducted courses on Academic Writing, Business Language, preparation for international tests IELTs, FCE, CAE, CPE; issued a textbook for students under the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (co-authored). She was also a member of the judicial commission of the Republican Olympiad in English among schoolchildren, a developer of tests for city, republican Olympiads in a foreign language, as a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan participated in the UNT and tests for a master's degree in different cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, has experience as an oral and translator. At Narxoz University, he has been a member of the Quality Commission for the second year.

  • Bekturganova Zhanar
    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer-Trainer
    Total teaching experience - 19 years. Specializes in the theory and methodology of teaching the Kazakh language, methods of teaching the Kazakh language in national audiences, adults and foreigners. Has experience in lecturing in language disciplines, in the subject "Pedagogy of Higher Education". Conducted coaching courses in the discipline "Academic writing". Author of many teaching aids and articles on the problems of teaching methods. She is the winner of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - "The best teacher of the university", the owner of a scientific scholarship for young scientists.

  • Altybayeva Saule
    Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the Linguistic Center of NarXoz University.
    The total experience of scientific and pedagogical work is 31 years.
    Author of more than 130 scientific papers, incl. 5 monographs, 6 study guides, 5 copyright certificates.
    Member of KazPryal, the Union of Translators of Kazakhstan, the International Association of Mythocritic Asteria (Spain).
    Hirsch index - 2. Over the past 25 years, he has been actively involved in the development of research projects and programs, incl. as a scientific adviser, has wide international scientific relations with leading universities and research institutes of near and far abroad.
    Constantly improves her professional level as a teacher of the Russian language, holder of relevant national and international certificates.
  • Kutpanova Alfiya
    MBA, senior lecturer-trainer of the Linguistic Center of Narxoz University since 2013
    He teaches such disciplines as General English, Business English, Academic Speaking, Etglish for Academic Purposes, Academic Writing. He is the holder of international certificates Cambridge TKT Module 1, Module 2, Module 3. Regularly attends various trainings and seminars to improve professional skills on the methods of teaching a foreign language. Total teaching experience of 17 years, has experience as a translator and interpreter, owns interactive teaching methods.
  • Zholdasova Aida

    Master of Philology, Senior Lecturer-Trainer of the Linguistic Center. Has been working at Narxoz University since 2006

    University experience - 17 years.

    He is the developer of the Model Program for the discipline "Professional Russian Language", has 25 publications of scientific and methodological works, including 3 textbooks in the Russian language and professional Russian language for students of non-linguistic universities.

    She regularly attends advanced training courses, the last of which concerns the innovative methodology of teaching social disciplines "Writing and Thinking". Proficient in interactive teaching methods and ICT.
  • Zhailaubaeva Kuralay
    Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher - trainer of the Linguistic Center. Has been working at Narxoz University since 2016
    The general pedagogical experience of work in higher educational institutions is 14 years.

    Engaged in the practice of teaching and learning the Kazakh language in a foreign language audience. Has experience in teaching disciplines "Kazakh language", "Professional Kazakh language", "Rhetoric", "Academic writing". Author of several scientific articles and papers written in this direction.
    The author of textbooks and educational-methodical complex "Kazakh language and literature" (grades 1-11), published on the basis of the updated content program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Participant of republican conferences and seminars aimed at familiarization with textbooks of grades 1-11, organized on the basis of this program.

  • Izteleuova Sandugash
    Senior teacher-trainer of the Linguistic Center, has been working at Narxoz University since 1999
    The total teaching experience is 33 years, of which 21 years at Narxoz University.

    Author of a number of scientific and methodological articles, 2 textbooks on the Russian language and professional Russian language for students of non-linguistic universities.
    He studies and introduces various forms and methods of teaching into the educational process, which make classes more meaningful, interesting and attractive. He is the leader of student reports at republican conferences.
    Every year he takes advanced training courses, uses interactive teaching methods and information and communication technologies.

  • Khairgeldina Ainur
    PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer-Trainer of the Linguistic Center
    The general pedagogical experience of work in higher educational institutions is 20 years.

    Teaching activity Khairgeldina A.K. is based on the active introduction of interactive teaching methods in the teaching of the Russian language, professional Russian, rhetoric, academic writing, higher education pedagogy.

    Author of a number of articles touching on the problems of modern education, highlighting the use of interactive methods and techniques in the learning process.
    Recently, she has been an active listener and participant in various seminars aimed at developing critical thinking of students and a creative approach to learning.

  • Almabaeva Gulnaz
    Master of Education, Lecturer-Trainer at Narxoz University Linguistic Center
    Experience in higher educational institutions - 13 years.
    In 2008 she graduated from the magistracy of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylai Khan with a degree in Foreign Languages: 2F. She took part in the 11th Central Asian Conference of English Teachers (CATEC-2019), holding a workshop on 21st century challenges in language teaching and learning. Since 2015, she has been a trainer of English language training programs in the context of the updated curriculum of the general education school of the Republic of Kazakhstan and has taught courses for science teachers using the CLIL methodology.
    She attended continuing education courses for university teachers at Newcastle University and the Norwich Institute for Language Education in England.

  • Ilahunova Dinara
    Senior Lecturer-Trainer of Narxoz University LC since 2016
    Pedagogical experience in higher educational institutions - 14 years. He has a master's degree in the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages".
    In 2017, she was awarded the diploma “Best teacher of the spring semester 2016-2017” (2nd place) according to the results of the survey “Teacher through the eyes of students”.
    Teaches General English, Business English, Social and cultural issues. Ilahunova D.D. Teaching materials were prepared in the discipline “Foreign language”: levels A2, A2 +, as well as C1 (Social and cultural issues), IELTS preparation.
    Ilahunova D.D. is the holder of international certificates Cambridge CELTA, Cambridge TKT Module 1, Cambridge TKT Module 2, Cambridge TKT Module 3, Teaching IELTS and the author of many publications on foreign language teaching methods.
    She is also the author of the methodological development "Astronomy", co-author of the development of practical tasks for the "Grammar" block of the Lingvo program commissioned by the Innovation and Development Fund LLP.
    He takes an active part in the public life of the university, in the development and implementation of new programs of the Linguistic Center. He constantly improves his professional skills by regularly studying at courses, seminars to improve his skills.

  • Kozhakhmetova Dinara
    Master of Translation Studies, Senior Lecturer-Trainer of the Linguistic Center since 2016
    Total teaching experience of 12 years, holder of several international certificates in teaching methods (TESOL, TKT 1,2,3) and author of numerous publications on foreign language teaching methods. Teaches General English, Business English, English for Academic Purposes. Kozhakhmetova D.Zh. were prepared teaching materials for the discipline "Foreign language": level B1, B1 +. He takes an active part in the public life of the university, in the development and implementation of new programs of the Linguistic Center. He constantly improves his professional skills by regularly studying at courses, seminars to improve his skills.

  • Ismagulova Bayan
    Doctor of Philology, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (spec. 13.00.02 - teaching methods, NII PRYANSH APS USSR, Moscow), Professor of the NarXoz University Linguistic Center
    Winner of the grant "Best teacher - 2014"; Hirsch index 1.

    - badge "Excellent worker of education of the Kazakh SSR" (1990),
    - badge "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2010).

    Research interests: comparative linguistics, methods of teaching a second language, translation studies and intercultural communication, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics.

    Scientific adviser and co-executor of scientific projects of grant funding in different years, and also is the supervisor of two Ph.D. theses on the theory of language and 14 master's theses in translation, student scientific works - winners of republican and international scientific and practical conferences.

    Experience of scientific and pedagogical work - more than 40 years.

    Author of more than 200 scientific papers, including:

    - Russian language textbooks for the Kazakh school, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from grades 3 to 11, starting with textbooks of a new generation (1998, published by Atamura) to textbooks on the updated content of education (Arman-PV, 2018),
    - “Kazakh-Russian, Russian-Kazakh dictionary. 30 thousand words" for schoolchildren and students (ed. "Aruna", 2002 and next editions),
    - individual and collective monographs.
Physical training and sport
  • Karavaeva Elena Leonidovna

    Deputy Director of Interdisciplinary Centre, Doctor of Education, Associate professo
    Elena teaches the discipline “Physical Education”, the course “Fitness Aerobics”. She is an author of over 100 scientific and methodological papers in the field of “Physical Education and sport”, including the monograph and the course book. Her work experience is over 20 years. From 2018 to 2020, she completed the training course in teaching “Thinking and Writing”, afterwards she had an experience of teaching this course for 1st year students in 2019-2020 academic year.
    She has awards in Orienteering, Gratitude and certificates of Merit on the City’s and Republican levels.
  • Sadykova Zhaksygul Lesbekovna
    PhD in Education, Associate professor.
    She teaches the discipline “Physical Education”, the course of “Table tennis”. She is The City Champion in this sport. She has published more than 60 scientific papers, which include 5 methodological manuals and recommendations, 6 articles in journals recommended by KKSON, 2 articles with the non-zero impact factor.
    She has 28-year work experience.
    For an invaluable contribution in achieving aims of the University and promoting healthy lifestyle, preparation of University teams to different sport competitions among Universities, she was rewarded with Certificates of Merit of Rector’s Office, Sport and Physical Education Department of the City, Nur-Otan Party and Akimat of Almaty.
    Narxoz Team in table tennis has recently taken the 1st places among universities of the city.
  • Altybaev Samat Omirbaevich
    Senior lecturer-trainer, Master of Education in “Physical Education and Sport”, World- class Master of Sport in Sambo fighting
    He teaches the next classes: Physical Education, Strength training. He is the current trainer of students Narxoz Team in Martial arts. Several times he has become the medalist of World and National Sambo Fighting Championships and Kazakhsha Kores Fighting Competitions.
    Currently Samat is an active athlete and he has become a Twice World Champion in Sambo Fighting among adults. He was rewarded with the medal “Sambo Sangaly” by the Sambo Federation of Kazakstan. Also he was rewarded with the Certificate of Merit for contribution in student’s sport development and professional training by the University. In addition, he received the Certificate of merit from The Sport Department of the City for the contribution in sport development.
    His total work experience is 26 years, 15 of which are at Narxoz University. He is the author of over 20 scientific articles.
  • Akhbaev Erlan Melisovich
    Senior lecturer-trainer
    His major is Volleyball. He trains the following areas: Sport games, General PE.
    His total work experience at Narxoz University is 15 years. In 2011-2012 ac.year he trained the Women’s University team to take part in the Volleyball National Championship. He is the author of over 20 scientific and methodological articles in foreign and national journals. Currently he coaches the Men’s Narxoz Team in Volleyball, teaches the course of PE.
  • Dzhakabaev Daniyar Kanatovich
    Senior lecturer-trainer
    He conducts the lessons in the following areas: Sport Games, Table tennis, General Physical Education, Darts, Physical Therapy. More than 10 scientific and methodological articles have been published by Daniyar. He has sport Diplomas and Certificates for 1,2,3 places. From 2005 to 2010 he coached the University Men’s Basketball team. In 2009 the students he coached at the University won Bronze medal in the Students Basketball League of Almaty.
    His total work experience at Narxoz University is 15 years.
  • Yesbolatova Saltanat Kipchakbayevna
    Senior lecturer-trainer, Candidate for Master of Sports in Rhythmic Gymnastics.
    She conducts the lessons in the following areas: Aerobics (including step-aerobics), General Physical Education, Table tennis.
    She has graduated Kazakh Sport and Tourism Academy.
    In additions, she has published more than 10 scientific and methodological articles in different international journals recommended by KKSON. She attended the training course in Almaty Fitness Association of Aerobics. Her work experience is more than 20 years.
  • Kasyanov Alexander Andreevich
    Senior lecturer-trainer, Master of Education in “Physical Education and Sports
    He teaches “Physical Education” course, also he works with students in delicate health in the course of “Strength Training” and “General Physical Education”. His work experience is 4 years.
    Alexander has been a Champion of Kazakhstan in athletics (decathlon). Currently he is an active athlete, takes part in international competitions and national championships. In addition, he takes part in the city’s and Republican Competitions in different sports. Also, he worked for Bubnovski’s Clinics.
  • Kokenov Serik Tolegenovich
    Senior lecturer-trainer
    His major is “Volleyball”. He conducts lessons in the next types of sport: Table tennis, Sport Games. His work experience is more than 20 years. He is a member of Narxoz team among the staff of the University, an author of several scientific articles, has got Certificates and Diplomas and he has become a Champion of Almaty in volleyball and table tennis.
  • Mendekeeva Aigul Nurmukhamedovna
    Senior lecturer-trainer
    She works with students in delicate health. Her work experience in Narxoz in more than 19 years.
    In 2002 she graduated PhD course in Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism. She teaches the course of “Physical Education”, works with students in delicate health. In addition, she is an author of more than 20 articles published in journals recommended by KKSON and in different international conference journals. The articles are describing topical issues in the sphere of Physical Education.
  • Mukhashev Kairat Muratbekovich
    Senior lecturer-trainer. Master of Education.
    He teaches “Physical Education” course, also he works with students in “Sport Games” course, “Strength Training” and “General Physical Education”. His work experience is 15 years, 12 of which are in Narxoz University.
    He was a member of Football Club “Akzhayik” and now he is a member of Narxoz Team in competitions among staff of universities. He is a trainer of Men’s Futsal Narxoz Team. He has published several scientific articles, got rewards in sport, he is a winner in Almaty Futsal Championship.
  • Mukhtarov Shauket Abaidulaevich
    Senior lecturer-trainer
    He teaches the course of “Physical Education”, the proficiency courses of Volleyball, course of Darts, Sport Games, General Physical Education. He is coaching Women’s Volleyball Narxoz Team. His general work experience is 18 years. Shauket is an active sportsman, who was rewarded with University Diploma of “The Best trainer of 2015-2016 ac.year fall semester”.
    From 2018 to 2020, he completed the training course in teaching “Thinking and Writing”, afterwards he had an experience of teaching this course for 1st year students in 2019-2020 academic year.
  • Nakipov Erbol Paizullaevich
    Senior lecturer-trainer, Candidate for Master of Sports in Freestyle Wrestlin
    He is a specialist in Freestyle Wrestling, conducts the trainings in the next types of sport: Freestyle Wrestling, Sport Games, Strength Training, General Physical Education.
    He has several scientific articles, was rewarded with different sport diplomas, one of which is a Certificate of Rector of Narxoz University as “The Best Teacher of 2018”. He coached Narxoz Team in Freestyle Wrestling and Greco-Roman Wrestling for Kazakhstan University Games, where were several winners. His work experience at the University is 17 years.
  • Nogaev Bakhytzhan Turkenuly
    Senior lecturer-trainer
    His major is Swimming, he conducts the next classes: Sport Games, Table tennis, General Physical Education. His work experience is 35 years, 27 of which he has spent in Narxoz University. He has published 25 scientific articles. He has good managing skills, advanced while being a chairman of “Physical education” department from 2007 to 2010 in Kazakh Economic University named after T.Ryskulov.
    Bakhytzhan has had an experience of organizing sport events of different level.
    He was a participant of the Afghanistan war. He has several rewards as an Afghan warrior , one of which is to “The International Warrior” from Afghan nation, given by a chairman of Internationalist Committee of CIS R.S.Aushev.
  • Saktaganova Madina Khamzatbekovna
    Senior lecturer-trainer, Master of Education in Physical Education.
    She conducts classes of Physical Education and Aerobics. He has coached the University “Narxoz Pride” team in Cheerleading from 2017.
    Has was rewarded with the Certificate “The Best Trainer of 2019”. The University team gained a great popularity in the City and it is always invited to support the teams in international, republican and city’s competition.
    Madina attended a training course of Cheerleading from A.S.Simakov in 2019 in Russia. She has had an experience of working with South Korean and Russian teams.
    The University team which she coaches has had the diplomas of 1st and 2nd place on Republican and International competitions. Her work experience is 14 years, 10 of which she has spent at Narxoz.
  • Utegenov Murat Kalibaevich
    Senior lecturer-trainer, the 1st category judge in Boxing.
    He specializes in Boxing, teaches “Physical Education”, such types of sport as “Boxing”, “General Physical Education”. He was a winner of competition among Military forces of USSR in Togliatti in 1985, bronze medalist of USSR Championship in Novorossiysk in 1986 in Boxing.
    He is the winner of international tournament between Russian and Kazakhstan teams in Chess Boxing (Fall 2020). He is training for 11 years, including 4 years in Narxoz. He coaches Narxoz Boxing Team. He has coached the winners of medalists of Republican competitions.
  • Hairliev Askar Beketovich
    Trainer in basketball, Master of Education in Physical Education
    He has won the first place as a coach in the match of National Basketball League of Kazakhstan during Jastar Fest 2019, he was voted the best trainer of WorldClass Tournament. He regularly attends the training seminars in Sport and Education. Also he has organized and managed a masterclass for students with the stars of NBA.
    Nowadays Askar is a lecturer in Basketball masterclass in the National Centre of Physical Education and Sport for university teachers.
    Narxoz Women’s and Men’s Basketball team, which he coaches, has already about 40 medals since 2015. Both teams have medals of Republican level. His work experience is 8 years, 6 of which he spent at Narxoz.
  • Shalbarbayev Amre Mukhataevich
    Senior lecturer-trainer, Candidate for Master of Sports in Volleyball
    His major is “Volleyball”.
    He teaches Physical Education and such types of sport as Sport Games, General Physical Education. His work experience is 24 years, where 17 he is teaching at Narxoz. He has an experience of coaching Volleyball team. Also Amre has written over 30 scientific and methodological articles about sport, heathy events and promotion of physical education culture among students of the country.
    He was rewarded with diplomas by Almaty Department of Sport and Culture and the Department of Almaty Region. Also he has some certificates of attending Republican training courses for volleyball judges.
  • Sushkova Evgeniya Igorevna
    Table tennis trainer, Candidate for Master of Sports in Table tennis
    Champion of Kingdom of Morocco, 700 WTA, multiple winner of the national and international tournament, the trainer of youth team of Almaty in table tennis. She also coaches Narxoz Tennis Team. She has graduated the university in major “Trainer in Table tennis”. Also she has written 5 scientific articles about the development the professional competitions for sportsmen of different ages.
    She has an experience of training in different universities of the USA (Miami, Florida, Lynn University; New Jersey, Atlantic City University) and Morocco (Marrakesh, Atlantic Tennis Academy). She has been working at Narxoz for 6 years.
  • Bocharnikov Nikolay Nikolayevich
    Trainer in Futsal
    Being an active athlete, Nikolay has won several Championship and Cups of Almaty in football and futsal. As a trainer he got a medal of Kazakhstan Championship in 2017 for coaching women’s team. He was also twice a champion of Kazakstan in futsal in 2012 and 2013 as male amateur.
    Nowadays he is training the Women’s National Futsal Team. His work experience is more than 20 years, 6 of which he spent at Narxoz.
  • Zhakupov Kaisar Bazarkhanovich
    Senior lecturer-trainer, Candidate for Master of Sports in Freestyle Wrestling and Greco-Roman Wrestling
    In 2003, Kaisar graduated Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism, Faculty of Freestyle Wrestling and Martial Arts, he specializes in Greco-Roman Wrestling.
    He has work experience as a master-trainer in the fitness club Technofit, he is a certified trainer of LesMills and a certified instructor of FPA. His work experience is more than 16 years in fitness and the teaching experience is 5 years.
  • All sports life on pages in instagram


    Basketball: @narxoz_pride

    Cheerleading: @narxoz_pride_cheer

    Futsal: @narxoz_pride_futsal

    Volleyball: @narxoz_pride_volleyball_girls