Social work (MSC)

About the program

  • The educational program «Social Work» is aimed at in-depth training of specialists in the field of social management, social psychology, research methodology and the organization of social activities.
    The Master's program «Social Work» is aimed at in-depth training of specialists in the field of the social sphere, social psychology, research methodology and the organization of social activities.
    Training is carried out in Russian and Kazakh languages.
    The knowledge and ability to use the latest scientific and practical developments in the field of social work and psychology will provide the program graduates with an advantage in the labor market.

    Graduates of the program will be able to understand and adequately interpret the behavior of people, social groups, their reaction to various events, will be able to provide effective social and psychological support for negotiations at the micro- and meso-levels, analyze and explain the individual and mass behavior of people and other socio-psychological processes and phenomena.
    Masters will be able to monitor and research problematic phenomena in the professional sphere, acquire the skills of professional communication, including in English (Narxoz provides an opportunity for professional mastering of a foreign language) and knowledge of diagnostic tools and methods of statistical analysis of research data.

    Languages ​​of instruction: Russian, Kazakh, English
Benefits of the program:
·      Family and demographic policy and social practice
·      Sustainable development
·      Technologies for analysis of socio-political data
·      Socialpolicyandsocialwelfare
·      Humanbehaviorandsocialenvironment
·      Psychologyofsocialwork (advancedlevel)
·      Socialandpsychologicalworkwithwomen, childrenandadolescents
·      Psychodiagnosticsandpsychocorrection (advancedlevel)
·      Psychology and social work in higher education.
·      Socio-psychologicalresearchinsocialwork
·      Reflection in social work: methods and construction.

Employment Opportunities:
Scientific career: continuing education in the academic environment of Narxoz or obtaining a PhD degree in foreign universities under the Bolashak program, programs of partner universities;
Teaching career: educational institutions of higher professional education, including Narxoz University
State service: government bodies (departments and offices dealing with social policy);
Occupation in international, regional non-profit structures: UN, UNICEF Kazakhstan, charitable organizations and others.
List of disciplines:
·       Block of compulsory disciplines: History and Philosophy of Science, Foreign Language, Psychology of Management, Research Methodology.
·       Social policy and social welfare.
·       Human behavior and social environment.
·       Psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection (advanced level).
·       Psychology of social work (advanced level).
·       Social and psychological work with women, children and adolescents.
·       Reflection in social work.
·       Psychology and social work in higher education.
·       Technologies for the analysis of socio-political data.
·       Research in social work.

For additional information on the program,
please contact the head of the educational program Sagidolda N. :