Scientific and educational
departments HHS

Dear friends!

“Tourism” SED is a team of professionals and practitioners who have extensive experience in academic and practical work in the tourism and hospitality market.

The department oversees the training of professionals in the tourism business, hotel business, restaurant business, event industry in two educational programs (EP): “6B111006-Tourism and hospitality” and “6B11107-Restaurant and hotel business”. As well as for educational programs of master’s degree: “Tourism and sustainable development” and “Restaurant and hotel business”.

Training is in three languages: English-Kazakh-Russian.

A dual approach where theory is combined with practice and students have the opportunity to undergo summer practices and internships in large hotels and travel agencies in Almaty, Nur-Sultan, Moscow and resort cities in Turkey, is being actively introduced.

Teach to look, think and act.

To look - identify problems of modern society and ecology; changes in social structure and sustainable development.

To think freely, demonstratively, openly.

To act for the benefit of society by carrying out their professional projects.

The "baggage" of knowledge, skills, competencies and moral principles acquired during the training period will affect your future and they will stay with you for life. That is the reason we pay special attention to anti-corruption education, awareness of everyone responsibility for the consequences of their decisions.

To achieve this, we strive for excellence in teaching and research, by creating a favorable working environment for the experience and knowledge exchange between teachers and students. Educational programs of the Social Sciences SED prepare students for successful careers in the field of ecology, sociology, psychological counseling and social work.

The Department of Social Sciences employs a highly qualified teaching staff whose educational activities are aimed at improving the quality of educational services - ensuring the quality of the result (knowledge, skills, and graduates' skills) and the quality of the processes for achieving results (their compliance with international quality standards).

You will gain the skills and knowledge that will help you to become highly educated people and top-ranking professionals.

Our mission
Teaching staff of the department
  • Ozikhan Zhanysbekovna Ustenova
    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Narxoz University.

    Specializes in tourism, excursion activities, hotel industry. She has over 40 years of academic and tour guide experience. She has published about 20 academic and methodological textbooks. She was awarded: “Y.Altynsarin” medal, Badge of the tourist market “For merits in Tourism industry”

  • Makpal Muratbekovna Nurpeisova
    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor at Narxoz University.

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor at Narxoz University. Specializes in commodity science, management and examination of the quality of food and beverages in the hospitality industry.

    She has over 40 years of academic experience.

    Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    Honorary diploma of Akim of Almaty

    Gold medal for the 50th anniversary of Narxoz University

  • Dinara Erikovna Nurmukhanbetova
    Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Narxoz University

    Specializes in commodity science, management and examination of the quality of food and

    beverages in the hospitality industry. She has more than 15 years of academic experience, more

    than 10 articles in high-ranking scientific journals, Q2-3.

    Letter of Appreciation from “KazInMetr” RSE “For active work and contribution to the

    development of state system for ensuring unity and measurements”

  • Roza Kenzheevna Alimkhanova
    PhD, Associate Professor of Narxoz University

    Specializes in economics, management and entrepreneurship of tourism. She has over 20 years of academic experience.

  • Nazgul Zhanibekovna Suleimenova
    Master, senior lecturer of “Tourism” Scientific and Educational Department

    Specializes in tourism, development of the event industry, hotel industry.

    She has over 15 years of academic experience.

    Gratitude from the Rector of Narxoz University for the 50th anniversary

  • Sabirzhan Zikhrullamovich Saidullayev
    Master, senior lecturer of “Tourism” Scientific and Educational Department

    Specializes in tourism, excursion, and active types of tourism, information technology and

    booking systems in the hospitality industry. He has 15 years of academic and practical experience and worked as the director of a travel

    agency. The best teacher of Kazakhstan in the field of tourism in 2016 according to the Kazakhstan Tourism Association.

    Category 3 mountain tourism infrastructure, member of the Sports Tourism Federation of Almaty. Awarded with the Medal for the 50th Anniversary of Narxoz University

  • Samat Karshigaevich Sagyndykov
    Master, senior lecturer of “Tourism” Scientific and Educational Department

    Diploma of ANADOLU University, Eskisehir, Turkey. He is fluent in English and has experience

    in conducting classes in English.

    Specializes in tourism, information technology and booking systems in the field of hospitality,

    hotel industry. He has over 10 years of academic and practical experience and worked at the Dostyk Hotel in Almaty.

    Participant of the professional Olympiad “The best specialists of the tourism industry in 2019”

    according to the Kazakhstan Tourism Association, has a Certificate of Honor in the nomination

    “For creativity and novelty of ideas”.

  • Namazbayeva Zaure Yesenkulovna
    Senior Lecturer of the “Tourism” Scientific and Educational Department

    Specializes in tourism, development of the event industry, hotel industry.

    She has over 20 years of academic experience.

    Gratitude from the Rector of Narxoz University for the 50th anniversary of the university

  • Adelya Abayaevna Kuandykova

    MSc Degree course in International Hotel&Tourism Management, Oxford Brookes University -

    Oxford, Oxfordshire, senior lecturer of “Tourism” Scientific and Educational Department.

    Participant of the Bolashak program, Speaks English, IELTS 6.5 (2019)

    She lectures and conducts classes in English. Specializes in management and marketing of

    tourism and hospitality. She has experience in the practical field: hotels in Greece (2015), hotels in Almaty (2021). Coordinator of the dual program - Hotel business together with Narxoz Hotel Rixos Borovoe.

Guest lecturers-practitioners
  • Clara Mamutova
    Manager of the Kazakhstan Tourism Association (KTA), Master of Tourism, PhD

    Specializes in tourism, management, marketing, branding of tourism and hospitality, CBT, rural

    and ecological tourism

    She has more than 15 years of practical experience in KTA and tourism, Fluent in English.

    She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic

    of Kazakhstan, the Badge “Excellence in tourism”

  • Anton Mitin
    Executive Director of the tour operator "Almaty city tour"

    He has more than 10 years of practical experience in the field of tourism. Specializes in strategic

    management, operational management, optimization of existing business processes, the

    introduction of know-how and wow-services, the development of tourism products, the

    development of a system and multi-level quality control. HR, direct sales to key clients and other issues of tourism business development. Participant of significant tourism projects of the

    republican level.

    Fluent in English.

  • Yerkin Tikenov
    Director of Incide Travel, Master of Tourism, PhD

    He has more than 15 years of practical experience in the field of tourism and participation in

    tourism projects

    Specializes in sustainable development of tourism and hospitality, smart tourism, information

    technology in tourism, marketing and promotion of tourism services, etc.

    Speaks English at an advanced level, IELTS 6.5

  • Meruert Baideshova
    Director of the tour operator "BAI GROUP KZ"

    She has over 20 years of practical experience

    Speaks English and Chinese

    Specializes in the development of a tourist product and its promotion, CBT, issues of sustainable development of the tourism sector, etc.

  • Irina Ifanova

    She has more than 25 years of practical experience in the field of hospitality: manager of the

    restaurant of the hotel Kazakhstan, director of the Minegorye rest house (Turgen) and other areas of activity

    Specializes in personnel management, operational management in hospitality, procurement and management of purchases and products for catering and hotels, etc.

    Participant of the program “Tourism Hotel Management” organized by UNESCO together with

    the Turkish Ministry of Education, Turkey

The teaching staff of the department
  • Raushan Baltabaevna Italmasova
    Doctor of social sciences, professor

    Awards and merits: grant from the Foundation of the First President, as a young scientist, 2012; Letter of appreciation from the Rector of Narxoz for professionalism, 2020; Diploma of the

    AAES Rector, 2015

    Teaching disciplines: History and Theory of Social Work, Case Technologies in Social Work,

    Social Work with Family and Children, Social Work with People with Disabilities

  • Kaliyash Utenbekovna Stamkulova
    Doctor of Economics, Professor

    Awards and merits: Author of more than 100 scientific papers, including 2 monographs, as well as 6 textbooks, diploma “Golden Department” within the framework of the Golden Fund Program 2013, Anniversary gold medal “H. A. Yasawi IKTU”, 2007

    Teaching disciplines: Environmental Economics, Green Economy and Sustainable Development, Ecological Culture and Education

  • Saltanat Dzhumadilovna Usubaliyeva
    Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
    Teaching disciplines: "Eco-management", "Waste management", "Ecological biogeography"
  • Rasima Amenovna Salimbayeva
    Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor

    Awards and merits: she is the author of more than 40 scientific papers, including 2 textbooks

    and 1 monograph, the title of “The best teacher of T. Ryskulov KazEU” - 2013, Nomination and

    grant “Best Researcher of 2017” of Narxoz University, Certificate of honor of the Akim of the

    Auezov district of Almaty 2020

    Teaching disciplines: Ecology and sustainable development, Eco-market and food security,

    Integrated water resources management, Environmental project management.

  • Elmira Sartaikyzy Boribay
    PhD, Associate Professor

    Teaching disciplines: Landscape science, Ecology of plants and animals, Environmental


  • Gulbarshin Satanovna Satbayeva
    Ph.D., Associate Professor
    Awards and merits: “The best author” after А. Baitursynov, 2012

    Teaching disciplines: "Ecology and Sustainable Development", "Environmental Management",

    "Economics of Natural Resources", "Green Economy and Sustainable Development", "Environmental Journalism", "Environmental Design, Regulation and Expertise".

  • Moldagaziyeva Zhanar Yspanovna

    Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Educational Program “Ecology”,


    Awards and merits: author of more than 40 scientific papers, including 15 publications

    recommended by the authorized body, in scientific journals included in the Web of Science Core Collection-1, Scopus - 2, 4 patents, creative works 4 including textbooks and 1 monograph

    Teaching disciplines: "Computer technologies in ecology", "Expert activity in ecology",

    "Environmental regulation, design and expertise", "Environmental chemistry"

  • Kulzada Adbrakhmanovna Abenova
    PhD, Associate Professor
    Awards and merits: honorary diploma of the Minister of MES RK 2017

    Teaching disciplines: Family demographic policy and social practice, methods of preparing

    social projects, social policy and social welfare, social work with families, children and the elderly.

  • Roza Orynbaevna Kenzhetayeva

    Major: psychology

    Teaching disciplines: General Psychology, History of Psychology, Psychodiagnostics, Conflictology and Deviantology, Technology Case in Social Work, Psycho-Social Counseling, Social Gerontology, Psychology of Business Communication, etc.

  • Aigul Seitzhanovna Beimisheva
    PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor
    Teaching disciplines: Methods of analysis of socio-political data, history of sociology
  • Almira Nurlanovna Daulbayeva
    PhD, Associate Professor

    Awards and merits: she is the author of more than 35 scientific papers, including 2 textbooks.

    Over the past 2 years, she has completed 5 international courses and advanced trainings. She is a member of the dissertation council “Conservation of Natural Resources”. She participated as a speaker at the World Urban Forum -10 (Abu Dhabi, 2020)

    Teaching disciplines: Soil Science, Applied Climatology, Ecology of Animals and Plants,

    Biogeochemistry and Ecotoxicology, Social Ecology and Sustainable Development

  • Orynbasar Bakenovna Tleuberlina
    Senior teacher

    Teaching disciplines: "Soil Science", "Soil Ecology", "Ecology and Sustainable Development",

    "Economic Market and Food Security", "Industrial Ecology", "Biogeochemistry and


  • Anar Umirzakovna Satybayeva
    Master of Sociology, Senior Lecturer

    Teaching disciplines: History of Sociology, Theory of Social Work, Social Work with Youth,

    Management, Organization and Administration in Social Work, CASE Technologies in Social

    Work, Methods and Technologies of Social Work

  • Nagima Sagidolda
    Master of Science in Social Work

    Education: higher, Al-Farabi KazNU

    Major: Social work, completed her doctoral studies in the specialty “State and local government”

    Teaching disciplines: Social policy, Employment of the population and its regulation, Fundamentals of social medicine.