Educational programs of the School of Economics and Management

for those who strive for the top

Ainura Kaldarova

MBA, Head of Educational Programs Finance, Financial Risk Management, Finance and Data Analysis (Bachelor's)

Welcome to the page of educational programs in the direction of Finance of the School of Economics and Management of Narxoz University!

We express our gratitude for your choice of our educational program and are confident that our tandem will be fruitful for you, and you will receive the best financial education from the leading university in the country, which will give you international career prospects and a chance for a successful future!

At Narxoz University, you have everything for self-realization and self-development of your personal and professional qualities and abilities.

Employers and experts trust the quality of our education and give preference to graduates of the educational programs in Finance at Narxoz University!

The educational programs "Finance," "Financial Risk Management," and "Finance and Data Analysis" combine professional education with practical skills in financial data analytics, investing, financial analysis, and trading using the Bloomberg laboratory, which will ensure your professional success in the financial sector.

c.e.s., Associate Professor
Bijamal Abdullaeva
c.e.s., Associate Professor
Meruert Kulzhabaeva
Teaching staff of the educational programs "Finance", "Financial Risk Management", "Finance and Data Analysis"
c.e.s., Associate Professor
Asylbek Bazarbaev
c.e.s., Associate Professor
Leila Kudaibergenova
c.e.s., Associate Professor
Maral Kozhakhmetova
c.e.s., Assistant Professor
Asylbek Duskaliyev
PhD, Associate Professor
Yesengali Oskenbayev
PhD, Associate Professor
Moldir Mukan
PhD, Associate Professor
Marek Jochec
Asem Orazaeva
Bijamal Abdullaeva
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor
  • Work experience: 25 years
  • Scientific interest: Finance, Banking
  • Research interest: Managerial Economics in Finance, Fundamentals of Finance, Portfolio Theory, Islamic Finance and Banking, Behavioral Research in Finance, Empirical Asset Pricing
  • Awards and merits: Over 50 scientific publications have been published, including textbooks, articles and those recommended by the Committee on Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as certificates for completing an internship and advanced training in the field of finance.
Meruert Kulzhabaeva
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor
  • Education: Kazakh State Academy of Management, 1993, "Finance and Credit".
  • Research interest: Finance, taxes, accounting, consulting, forensics
  • Work experience: 29 years
  • Courses taught: Taxes and taxation, Financial consulting, Taxes and tax reporting of economic entities, Tax structuring of business, Financial foresight
  • Awards and merits: Certificate of Professional Accountant, 1st degree in accounting, Certificate of attendance "Short programs in supply chain management and finance" Malaysia Institute for supply chain innovation (Shah Alam), Practical experience as a financial manager, analyst
Asylbek Bazarbaev
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Associate Professor
  • Research interest: public finance, insurance, investments
  • Work experience: more than 29 years
  • Courses taught: Fundamentals of Finance, Financial Institutions and Markets, Insurance, etc.
  • Awards and merits: In 2013, she became the winner of the university grant "Best Teacher" for her activity in training specialists and success in educational activities. Over 100 scientific publications have been published, including textbooks, and articles, in journals with a non-zero impact factor and recommended by the Committee on Comprehensive Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as certificates for completing an internship and advanced training in the field of finance.
Leila Kudaibergenova
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Associate Professor
  • Education: Kazakh State Academy of Management, 1994, major in Finance and Credit, specialization in Organization of Banking. In 2010, she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty 08.00.10 – Finance, Money Circulation and Credit on the topic “Banking Risk Management: Mechanism of Functioning and Ways of Improvement (based on materials from second-tier banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan)”
  • Research interest: Finance, Banking, Risks
  • Work experience: 28 years
  • Courses taught: Banking, Money, credit, banks, Banking and investment risk management, Portfolio theory, Islamic finance and banking, Fundamentals of investment management, Organization of financial intermediaries business
  • Awards and merits: Author of more than 77 publications, including 2 articles in the Scopus and WoS databases, 18 scientific articles in publications recommended by the Committee on Comprehensive Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, co-author of the textbooks "Banking" (1998), "Banking (Banker's Handbook)" (2007), "Banking" (2011), "Bank isi" (2013), "Money. Credit. Banks" (2022), and author of the textbooks "Financial Risk Management" (2017), "Practical Training on the Course "Banking" (2020), recommended by the UMO RUMS. Participated in the research project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Formation of the structure and mechanism of integrated risk management in the banking system of Kazakhstan based on the international standard ISO31000”
Maral Kozhakhmetova
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Associate Professor
  • Research Interest: Public and Corporate Finance, Financial Control, Investments
  • Work experience: teaching experience in higher education is more than 27 years, at Narxoz University – since 2004
  • Courses taught: Corporate Finance, Taxes and Taxation, Fundamentals of Finance, Fundamentals of Investment Management
  • Awards and merits: In 2013, she became the winner of the university grant "Best Teacher" for her activity in training specialists and success in educational activities. She has letters of gratitude for successful activities of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the university rector's office. During the entire period of her teaching activity, more than 100 graduates-bachelors and 15 masters in the specialty "Finance" were prepared, scientific projects and publications of students were supervised, including those that took prizes in international, republican, intra-university competitions, olympiads, conferences. More than 60 scientific publications have been published, including textbooks, articles, in journals with a non-zero impact factor and recommended by the Committee on Comprehensive Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as certificates for completing an internship and advanced training in the field of finance.
Asylbek Duskaliev
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Assistant Professor
  • Research interest: teaching financial disciplines, formation of a competitive structure of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, financial management and corporate finance
  • Work experience: more than 20 years of experience in the financial sector, consulting companies, including foreign ones, 10 years in the higher education system
  • Courses taught: Corporate Finance, Financial Management, Marketing, Risk, Banking, Consulting
  • Awards and merits: Author of more than 77 publications, including 2 articles in the Scopus and WoS databases, 18 scientific articles in publications recommended by the Committee on Comprehensive Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, co-author of the textbooks "Banking" (1998), "Banking (Banker's Handbook)" (2007), "Banking" (2011), "Bank isi" (2013), "Money. Credit. Banks" (2022), and author of the textbooks "Financial Risk Management" (2017), "Practical Training on the Course "Banking" (2020), recommended by the UMO RUMS. Participated in the research project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Formation of the structure and mechanism of integrated risk management in the banking system of Kazakhstan based on the international standard ISO31000”.
Yesengali Oskenbayev
PhD, Associate Professor
  • Education: International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Yasawi, 1994-1998, specialty "International Economic Relations", Master's degree at Boling Green State University (USA) under the "Bolashak" program, PhD at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) at the University of Bonn (Germany), under a grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, 2009-2015)
  • Research Interest: Economic Growth and Development with a focus on Energy Economics
  • Work experience: 20 years
  • Courses taught: Data Analysis, Quantitative Methods in Finance, Financial Risk Management, Macroeconomics
Marek Jochec
PhD doctor, associate professor
  • Education: PhD in finance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, MBA in finance from the Wharton School, and MA in economics from Central European University
  • Research Interest: Stock Performance, Financial Markets, Asset Management, Entrepreneurship
  • Work experience: 14 years of teaching experience
  • Courses taught: Fundamentals of Finance, Performance Management 2
  • Awards and merits: Marek has contributed and been mentioned in the world textbooks Briley/Meyers/Allen: Principles of Corporate Finance and Benning: Financial Modeling. Reviewer of the national textbook on entrepreneurship for grades 10 and 11 in Kazakhstan
Moldir Mukan
PhD, Associate Professor
  • Education: NEU named after T.Ryskulov, Oxford Brooks; Master's degree, PhD - Narxoz University (Major in Finance)
  • Research Interest: Financial Market Behavior in the Context of Oil Price Volatility, Green Bonds, ESG
  • Work experience: 7 years
  • Courses taught: Principles of finance, financial institutions and markets, applied portfolio management
  • Awards and merits: A chapter was published in the book of the Asian Development Bank, she won the competition for an internship at Queen’s University, Belfast “500 scientists”, during her undergraduate studies, she studied in Italy (University Ferrara), during her master’s degree in Austria under the Ernst Mach program (FH Joanneum). Also, during her master’s and doctoral studies, she completed an internship in Georgia, Korea, Malaysia
Asem Orazaeva
PhD, Assistant Professor
  • Education: Bachelor's degree - "Finance" - KIMEP, Master's degree - "Finance" - University of Edinburgh, PhD - - "Finance" - KIMEP
  • Research Interest: CSR, financial performance, financial portfolio management, financial statement analysis
  • Work experience: 10 years
  • Courses taught: Introduction to Finance
Sabina Klimova
MBA, Head of the Bachelor's degree programs "Accounting and Audit" and "IT in Business", Master's degree programs "Corporate Governance, Compliance and Performance Appraisal"
Welcome to the page of the educational program Accounting and Auditing of the School of Economics and Management of Narxoz University!
Today, it is very difficult to imagine the work of any enterprise without an accountant. A person with an accounting education is vital for an organization since any enterprise that receives income is obliged to pay taxes, submit documents to the tax service, be responsible for maintaining records of all financial flows, take into account material assets, optimize enterprise costs, etc. Enterprise managers may also need Education in the accounting and auditing field to be able to control the conduct of their business.
In our time of rapid changes and technological progress, to achieve success in any professional activity, at least two components are necessary: ​​high-quality education and practice. The programs "Accounting and Auditing" guarantee you both components.
Students studying in our programs meet the demands of international companies. The determining element of successful study is the qualified teaching staff of the educational program "Accounting and Auditing".
To increase the competitiveness of graduates, current programs are updated taking into account the opinions of employers and a review of similar programs at leading foreign universities. Our programs are accredited by the International Professional Association of Accountants (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, (ACCA) and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and correspond to the program of the Institute of Internal Auditors (Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)), which have a strong reputation in professional circles. Students will be able to gain knowledge in the fields of management accounting, accounting, auditing, taxation and law, you will gain valuable skills in organizational management and business planning. Students have the opportunity to do an internship in large audit and consulting companies, industrial and banking sectors, as well as in internationally recognized organizations.
c.e.s., PhD
Aliya Nurgalieva
Teaching staff of the educational program "Accounting and Audit"
PhD, Associate Professor
Gulmira Appakova
Asem Tanzharikova
Saule Dzholdybaeva
Zhamilya Nurpeyis
Sabina Klimova
Yeldar Rakishev
Aliya Nurgalieva
Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD
  • Education: In 2007, after defending her dissertation, she was awarded the academic degree of candidate of economic sciences in the specialty 08.00.12 - "Accounting, audit and statistics" In 2014, she defended her doctoral dissertation and was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty "6D050900 - Finance"
  • Research interests: Financial management and analysis, IFRS, Modern automation systems, Audit
  • Work experience: 28 years
  • Courses taught: F5 Performance Management, F7 Advanced Financial Reporting, Fundamentals of Internal Auditing, Internal Auditing Practice, F9 Financial Management
  • Awards and merits: She has published over 100 scientific papers, including 35 after defending her doctoral dissertation, 20 recommended by the authorized body, 4 in international peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the SCOPUS database, 3 publications in international scientific journals and international conference proceedings. Scopus Hirsch Index - 5, RSCI Hirsch Index - 4, Web of Science Hirsch Index - 1
Gulmira Appakova
Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD
  • Education: KazEU, Kazakh State Academy of Management, Specialty - Accounting and Auditing. Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty "Accounting, Auditing and Statistics". PhD in the speciality "Finance". Associate Professor of the Committee for Control of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2011. Professional accountant since 2010
  • Research Interest: Export Operations: Accounting, Audit, Analysis. Personnel Remuneration System: Accounting, Audit, and Analysis. Financial Accounting. Management Accounting.
  • Work experience: Teaching experience – 22 years, Internal auditor – 5 years, External auditor – 4 years, Chief accountant – 5 years.
  • Courses taught: Financial Reporting (F7), Intermediate Accounting (F3), Management Accounting (F5), Audit and Related Services (F8), IFRS, Fundamentals of Internal Auditing
  • Awards and merits: Medal "Best Auditor" since 2021. Certificate of JSC "NCT" under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011). Certificate of KazEU named after Ryskulov (2010)
  • International professional qualification: ACCA from 2021
Asem Tanzharikova
  • Education: PhD in 6D050600 – Economics, Narxoz University
  • Research Interest: Accounting for business performance management, advanced management accounting, human capital (the effectiveness of human capital at the macro- and microeconomic levels of the economy)
  • Work experience: 13 years
  • Courses taught: ACCA F2 Management Accounting, ACCA F5 Accounting for Business Performance Management, ACCA F2 Accounting for Decision Making, CIMA P1 Accounting for Decision Making, CIMA P2 Advanced Management Accounting, Taxation, Financial Accounting
  • Awards and merits: Professional accountant of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the POB, completed the course on Internal Audit Principles CIA Part 1 (29 CPE hours). Certificate of honor "For fruitful scientific, pedagogical and social activities, significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan" from the Rector of the Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics (December 15, 2015). Awarding a certificate of honor in honor of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan for many years of fruitful work in the education system and a great contribution to the training of qualified specialists (December 2016). Presentation at the International Conference "ALLVET Project: Transfer of the Bologna Process Principles and Competency-Based Approach to the TVE System Based on an Effective Alliance of Higher and Secondary Vocational Education" organized by "Narxoz University" (March 30, 2021). Presentation at the Conference "Ryskulov Readings-2021: Shaping the Future of Education in Social Sciences" (April 15-19, 2021). Successful completion of the Seminar "Performance Management of Operations (CIMA P1)" (May 10-25, 2021, 28 academic hours). Successful completion of the Seminar "Performance Management of Operations (CIMA P2)" (April 10 - May 25, 2021, 80 academic hours). Successful completion of the ACCA F5 course "Advanced Performance Management" (Online, Prague, May 17-21, 2021, 40 academic hours)
Saule Dzholdybaeva
  • Education: PhD in the specialty "6D050600 - Economics" Narxoz University
  • Research interest: Carrying out work on internal audit, tax system and management accounting. Has more than 24 scientific articles in the specialty, including 2 scientific articles with a non-zero impact factor in the Scopus database, 5 scientific articles in publications recommended by the Committee for Control of the Audit of the Audit of the Russian Federation, 2 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals in foreign countries
  • Work experience: 14 years
  • Courses taught: Internal Audit and Control, Ethics and Professional Skills, IFRS, F6 Tax Accounting and Reporting, Audit
  • Awards and merits: Tax consultant, Member of the POB. ACCA Applied skills in progress, completed the course on Principles of Internal Audit CIA part 1 (29 CPE hours)
Zhamilya Nurpeyis
Master of Business Administration
  • Education: KIMEP, Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research, Master of Business Administration, Specialization - Accounting and Finance
  • Research Interest: Investment Instruments, Corporate Governance Issues
  • Work experience: Teaching experience - 10 years, Internal auditor - 6 years, External auditor - 2 years. (PricewaterhouseCoopers), Financial Director - 3 years, Chief Accountant - 5 years, Consultant - 4 years. International professional qualifications: ACCA since 2006, FCCA since 2011
  • Courses taught: Audit and related services (F8), IFRS, Financial reporting (F7), Intermediate accounting (F3), Management accounting (F5), Principles of taxation, Fundamentals of internal audit
Sabina Klimova
  • Education: MBA-KIMEP, ABD-Narxoz University
  • Research Interest: Transfer Pricing
  • Work experience: 5 years of teaching experience, 3 years Deloitte
  • Courses taught: Introduction to Financial Accounting (F3), Intermediate Financial Accounting (F3), Ethics and Professional Skills
  • Awards and merits: KKSON MES RK - 1 article
Yeldar Rakishev
  • Research Interest: The area of ​​conjugation of accounting with data science, the corresponding development of methods of teaching (managerial) accounting
  • Courses taught: Performance Management 1, Performance Management 2
  • Awards and merits: Qualification of the British accountant (ACCA) according to Moore and Crowe, Representative of the region (Central Asia) in the representative body (International Assembly) of the Association of Chartered Accountants (UK) since 2023
Adjunct Associate Professor

Gulnar Abdulina

PhD, professor, head of educational programs "Management" and "HR and business planning"

Dear friends!

We are glad to welcome you to the page of educational programs "Management" and "HR and business planning"!

If you want to participate in the management activities of companies at the highest level, then choosing a profession in the field of Management and HR is one of the best decisions for you!

Management and HR are the foundations of any enterprise, regardless of the field of activity, be it a commercial sector of the economy or a non-profit association, since they combine the most important aspects in the management of socio-economic systems.

The "Management" and "HR and Business Planning" educational programs prepare specialists with effective management skills, possessing strategic analysis competencies in various fields, including using digital analytical platforms, and advanced software products, which makes them unique and makes them in demand in the labour market.

The program is practice-oriented in nature and its implementation is based on partnership with employers. Classes on the programs are taught by business experts, which ensures practice-oriented training and helps to master the most relevant topics in real cases of successful Kazakhstani and international businesses.

Our educational programs allow students to gain additional knowledge and skills within the disciplines of the MINOR specialization, thereby expanding their competencies depending on the student's preferences.

НаOur highly qualified faculty, with knowledge and experience in training specialists in this field of study, most of whom have undergone professional retraining and internships at leading universities and business schools in the USA and Europe, holding international diplomas from leading universities in the world, and experience in the real sector of the economy, are focused on your professional growth and success in your future career.

We are ready to support you at every step of your educational journey, providing you with opportunities for practical experience, knowledge sharing and development of professional skills!

We are waiting for you at our educational programs "Management" and "HR and Business Planning"!

c.e.s., Associate Professor
Zhanat Malgaraeva
Teaching staff of the educational programs "Management" and "HR and Business Planning"
PhD, Professor
Gulnar Abdulina
c.e.s., Associate Professor
Gilash Uashov
c.e.s., Associate Professor
Zhanna Alieva