Finance (MSC)


  • Narxoz Business School aims to educate the next generation of competent and professional researchers in the field of finance, able to apply their competencies at the global and local levels to achieve leading positions in the field of higher, postgraduate education and advanced scientific research.

    Guided by classical and modern theories in financial science, master students will learn to critically evaluate, build reasoned conclusions and extract information from a vast array of data, apply the acquired skills to analyze trends and make financial forecasts, build their training courses and develop pedagogical skills.

Program Advantages
  • The curriculum of the program is a combination of knowledge and skills, the constant updating of which guarantees its compliance with the best world practices, advanced trends in academic education and research in the field of finance
  • The program is implemented through training in modeling skills and conflict resolution using
    specialized software: Python, R-analysis, MATLAB, etc.
  • Leading researchers, financial analysts, investment consultants, Data-finance – coders who will give guest lectures and conduct trainings as part of internship programs are involved in discussing scientific theories and the features of their application in the financial business.
  • Master students can participate in a number of international exchange programs for mobility programs and international scientific scholarships
  • The opportunity of active use of the various electronic resources for professionals in the financial market (Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters Eicon) in the process of studying
  • Graduates who have successfully mastered the educational master's program are able to conduct research, teaching, including professional activities in the international environment, are prepared for training in doctoral studies.
Program Details
Language Russian, Kazakh
Delivery mode: Evening + Saturday whole day
Duration: 2 years (scientific and pedagogical degree)
Possibility to apply for a PhD