Career opportunity for data engineer:
Masters who graduate from the program "Data Engineering" can be employed in banks, investment, insurance, telecommunications, trade, manufacturing companies; organizations of various forms of ownership; industry and business that develop and use information systems, intelligent products and services based on technologies related to the processing of big data and blockchain technology.
• Data Engineer (collects and processes the data, runs the processes, and builds services to this data is turned into a data product)
• Data Platform Engineer (preparing platforms: infrastructure, engineering, security and monitoring)
• Data Quality Engineer (combines engineering problems, data analysis, and elements of the test; wider than traditional testing QA)
· Data DevOps Engineer (works with distributed systems, simultaneously processes complex data, bearing in mind a lot of connections between system components, analyzes and fixes problems)
· Data Science Engineer (structures and analyzes large volumes of data, predicts events)
· Search Engineer (defined Search Engineer as a data expert, since modern search engines have become very smart, so today it is much closer to Data Science and working with data)
· ML Engineer (Machine Learning is a special case of Data Platform Engineering, it is necessary not only to work with data, but also to ensure transparency and manageability of the ML product lifecycle; due to the complexity of this process, the ML engineer must have a deeper expertise)