Ryskulov conference - 2022
NJSC "Narxoz University" invites scholars, doctoral students and practitioners to participate in the conference to share preliminary or final results of research. Preference is given to scientific work of an applied nature, which can influence decision-making in various fields. We believe in the importance of using data and a scientific approach in decision-making at all levels and in all areas. Public policy, private sector strategies, policies if educational institutions and everyday decisions of individuals will be more effective if they are based on a systematic examination of the facts and on the results of scientific research.
Impact of applied research on decision making
April 15-19, 2021
Ryskulov Conference 2021
Narxoz University is inviting you to the Ryskulov research conference dedicated to the theme of Shaping the Future of Education in social sciences. The 2021 conference will be organized virtually on Zoom platform.

Our key goal is to unite researchers and practitioners from across the globe and promote fruitful discussions with the aim of finding sustainable solutions for theoretical and practical issues in social sciences.