About our library

  • The Scientific Information Center "Scientific Library" of Narxoz University (hereinafter referred to as the "Scientific Library") has come a long way in development, was organized in 1963

    The main objective of the Scientific Library is to assist in improving the quality of education and science at Narxoz University by providing innovative library and information products and services to researchers, faculty and university students.

    Today, the book fund of the Scientific Library is more than 800 thousand exemplars in the Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages. The fund is universal, corresponding to the profile of the university.

    Users of the Scientific Library have access to domestic and foreign licensed electronic resources, which are hosted on remote servers and available at the university's IP addresses, the volume of electronic publications is more than 1 million publications.

    Employees of the Scientific Library help readers in searching for information in internal and

    external databases, teach students how to work with full-text electronic publications.