Library Committee

  • The Library Committee of Narxoz University NJSC (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”) was established to promote the qualitative formation of information resources of the Scientific

    Information Center "Scientific Library" in accordance with the profile of the University, to improve library and information services for students, faculty, and to increase the level of their information culture.

    The Library Committee is made up of members the Higher Schools, structural divisions of the University and the library.

    The Committee consists of: Chairman, Deputy (Director of the Library), Secretary, members of the Committee. The Chairman of the Committee has the right to invite other employees, and students of the University, to participate in the work of the Committee, but they have no voting rights. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Library Committee are members of the Academic Council of Narxoz University and report to it.

Library Committee Policy
Bookorder list of SED (scientific educational department) of High Schools