Improving the legal culture of the population in Kazakhstan and Central Asia:
development and promotion of legal education tools
raising public awareness through dissemination of research results
initiating discussion and search for solutions to current problems concerning the legal culture of the population in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Central Asian Republic
Improvement of legislation and law enforcement practice:
Study of Kazakhstan and world experience and best practices in the field of legal and economic policy
Formation of mechanisms for the development and promotion of recommendations for improving legislation and law enforcement practice
Developing the potential of government agencies, civil society, the business community and other stakeholders in the field of ensuring the rule of law and applying the best international practices
Support of research activities of Narxoz University in the field of economic and legal policy:
Involvement of employees and students of Narxoz University in the research and expert-analytical work of the Center
Application of the results of the Center's work in the educational process
Facilitating the integration of Narxoz University into the international academic and expert community