Educational Programmes
Dear applicants, we are happy to welcome you to the Educational program "Economics".

We all perfectly understand what a huge role education, especially higher education plays in the changing conditions that are currently taking place in the world and particularly in Kazakhstan.

In the context of the aggravated international political environment and increasing competition in the labor market, the quality of the education received is of particular importance.
According to the survey of employers' opinions and analysis of the labor market, competent, highly qualified and creative economists-analysts are special needs of the present.

The goal of the program is to train economists-analysts who are able to carry out economic analysis, plan and predict the economic processes of various business entities in the market, develop and implement innovative projects, apply economic and mathematical modeling tools, and critically evaluate the results of economic activities of enterprises.

If you are purposeful, ready to take active steps in building your career, then you need to study at the leading economic university of the country at Narxoz University on the Educational Program "Economics"!

I wish all applicants successful admission to our Program! We look forward
to meet you!

Yerkezhan Akhmetzaki, PhD, assistant professor
Programme Manager of the Economics Programme
- к.ю.н., ассоциированный профессор, председатель
Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы права и государственного управления;
д.э.н., профессор научно-образовательного департамента «Государственное управление»;
м.э.н., ст. преподаватель, председатель Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы экономики и менеджмента;
к.э.н., профессор, председатель Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы цифровых технологий
Dear friends!

We are pleased to welcome you on the page of the «Management» and «HR and Business Planning» educational programmes!

If you want to participate in the management activities of companies at the highest level, then choosing a profession in Management and HR is one of the best decisions for you!

Management and HR are fundamental for any business, regardless of whether it is a commercial enterprise or a non-profit making association. They combine the most important aspects in the management of social and economic systems.

The programmes «Management» and «HR and Business Planning» prepare professionals with effective management skills and competencies of strategic analysis in various areas, including the use of digital analytical platforms, with the use of advanced software products, which makes them unique and in-demand in the labour market.

The programme is practice-oriented and based on partnership with employers.

The programmes are taught by business experts, which ensures practice-oriented learning and helps learn the most relevant topics from real cases of successful Kazakhstani and international businesses.

Our educational programs allow students to gain additional knowledge and skills within MINOR disciplines, thereby broadening their competencies depending on the student's preference.

Our highly qualified faculty, who have the knowledge and experience to train professionals in this field, most of whom have undertaken professional retraining and internships at leading USA and European universities and business schools, hold international degrees from leading universities, and have experience working in the real economy, are focused on your professional growth and success in your future career.
We are ready to support you every step of your educational path, provide you with hands-on experience, knowledge exchange and professional skills development.

We are waiting for you in our «Management» and «HR and Business Planning» educational programmes!
- к.ю.н., ассоциированный профессор, председатель
Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы права и государственного управления;
д.э.н., профессор научно-образовательного департамента «Государственное управление»;
м.э.н., ст. преподаватель, председатель Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы экономики и менеджмента;
к.э.н., профессор, председатель Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы цифровых технологий
Gulira Abrayeva, MBA
Programme Manager of the Management Programme
Gulnar Abdullina, PhD, professor
Programme Manager of the HR & Business Planning Programme
Welcome to the Finance Educational Programmes page of the School of Economics and Management of Narxoz University!

We express our gratitude for your choice of our educational programmes and we are confident that our tandem will be fruitful for you, and you will receive the best financial education from the country's leading university, which will give you international career prospects and a chance for a successful future!

At Narxoz University you have everything for development of your personal and professional competencies and skills.

Employers and experts trust the quality of our education and give preference to graduates of the programmes in Finance from Narxoz University!

The Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance, Financial Risk Management and Finance & Data Analytics Programmes combine professional education with practical skills in financial data analytics, investing, financial analysis and trading using the Bloomberg lab to ensure your professional success in the financial industry.

- к.ю.н., ассоциированный профессор, председатель
Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы права и государственного управления;
д.э.н., профессор научно-образовательного департамента «Государственное управление»;
м.э.н., ст. преподаватель, председатель Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы экономики и менеджмента;
к.э.н., профессор, председатель Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы цифровых технологий
Ainura Kaldarova, MBA
Programme Manager of the BBA in Finance, Financial Risk Management, Finance & Data Analytics

Maral Kozhakhmetova, Cand.Sc.(Economic)
Programme Manager of Finance Master Degree Programme
Dear students!

Welcome to the Accounting and Audit Educational Programme page of the School of Economics and Management at Narxoz University!
Nowadays, it is very difficult to imagine the work of any enterprise without an accountant. A person with an accounting degree is extremely necessary for an organization, since any profit-making enterprise must pay taxes, submit documents to the tax authorities, be responsible for keeping records of all financial flows, account for material values, optimize the costs of the enterprise, etc. Education in accounting and auditing may also be necessary for corporate executives to be able to monitor the conduct of their business.
In these days of rapid change and technological advancement, at least two components are necessary for success in any professional activity: professional knowledge and practical skills. Accounting and audit programs provide both.
The students enrolled in our programs meet the demands of international companies. One of the determining elements of successful studies is the academically and professionally qualified faculty of the Accounting and Audit Educational Programme.
In order to increase the competitiveness of graduates, the existing programs are updated considering the reviews of employers. Our programs are accredited by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) as well as the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and aligned with the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) program, which have a strong reputation in professional societies.
The students have the opportunity to obtain knowledge in management accounting, financial accounting, auditing, taxation and regulations, also can gain valuable skills in organizational management and business planning. Students have the opportunity to take internship at international auditing and consulting companies, industrial and banking spheres, as well as in internationally-recognized organizations.

Sabina Klimova, MBA
Programme Manager of the BBA in Accounting and Audit, IT in Business and Corporate Governance, Compliance and Performance Management Master Degree Programme
- к.ю.н., ассоциированный профессор, председатель
Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы права и государственного управления;
д.э.н., профессор научно-образовательного департамента «Государственное управление»;
м.э.н., ст. преподаватель, председатель Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы экономики и менеджмента;
к.э.н., профессор, председатель Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы цифровых технологий

We welcome you to the website of Educational Programme Marketing of the School of Economics and Management at Narxoz University. We are delighted that you have chosen the Marketing programme as the leading management school in the country.

The Marketing programme is designed to meet the current demands of the labour market and marketing trends. The programme is accredited by the international accreditation and quality assurance agency FIBAA and activities have been initiated to prepare for the passage of the international professional certification by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). Opportunities are also available to study on the Double Degree Diploma Programme at Coventry University (UK).

Marketing is dynamic, exciting and strategically important part of any successful business. The partners of EP Marketing are Advertising Association of Central Asia, Beeline Kazakhstan, The Premier Consulting LLC (Accredited Training Centre by CIM) and others.

After studying in our programme, graduates will be able to conduct market research, manage consumer behaviour, brand and marketing activities of the company, manage integrated marketing communications using digital technologies and tools.

Our campus will be a source of your personal and professional growth, successful and prosperous future!

Your choice of EP Marketing is an investment in your future.

We are waiting for you!

Zhanar Dyussembekova, Cand.Sc.(Economic), аssociate рrofessor
Programme Manager of the Marketing Programme
- к.ю.н., ассоциированный профессор, председатель
Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы права и государственного управления;
д.э.н., профессор научно-образовательного департамента «Государственное управление»;
м.э.н., ст. преподаватель, председатель Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы экономики и менеджмента;
к.э.н., профессор, председатель Комиссии по обеспечению качества Высшей школы цифровых технологий
Scientific and Educational Department «Finance»
  • Abdullayeva Bijamal


    Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

  • Kulzhabayeva Meruyert


    Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

  • Bazarbayev Assylbek Orinshaikhovich

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

  • Ruziyeva Elvira Abdulmitovna
    Candidate of Economic Sciences
  • Kudaibergenova Leyla


    Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

  • Kozhakhmetova Maral Kenebaevna

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

  • Duskaliev Asylbek Serikovich

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

  • Yessengali Oskenbayev

    PhD, Adjunct Professor

  • Damir Nurskenov

    MSc, Adjunct Professor

  • Moldir Mukan

    MBA, senior lecturer

Educational Programme  «Economics»
  • Momynkulova Sholpan Ordabekovna

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, head of SED Economics

  • Kenzhalina Zhanna Shapaevna

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor

  • Kuatova Dilmina Yahiyaevna

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor

  • Zhunisbekova Gulfairuz


    Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor

  • Elshibaev Rahymzhan Kamytbekuly

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor

  • Akhmetzaki Yerkezhan


    PhD in Economics, assistant


Educational Programmes «Management» and «HR&Business Planning»
  • Zhanat Маlgaraeva
    Cand.Sc.(Economic), аssociate рrofessor
  • Тatyana Magai
    Cand.Sc.(Economic), аssociate рrofessor
  • Gulnar Abdulina

    PhD, professor

  • Gilash Uashov
    Cand.Sc.(Economic), аssociate рrofessor
  • Aliyeva Zhanna

    Cand.Sc.(Economic), аssociate рrofessor

  • Aliya Zurbayeva
    PhD, assistant professor
  • Yelena Тokareva
    MBA, Senior Lecturer
  • Kristina Limarenkо
    MA in Communications, senior lecturer
  • Askhat Nametsha
    Cand.Sc.(Economic), assistant professor
  • Gulira Abraeva

    MBA, MSc in Economics, senior lecturer

  • Indira Almekeeva

    MSc in Economics, senior lecturer

  • Arman Zhumabayev
    MSc in Economics, senior lecturer
  • Lyazzat Arynova

    MBA, senior lecturer
  • Asset Akhmetov

    MSc, Adjunct Professor
  • Damir Kadirniyazov

    МВА, senior lecturer
Educational Programme «Marketing»
  • Zhanar Dyussembekova
    Cand.Sc.(Economic), аssociate рrofessor
  • Madina Subalova
    PhD, assistant professor
  • Aigul Nurpeisova
    Cand.Sc.(Economic), аssociate рrofessor
  • Aizhan Duisebayeva

    PhD, аssociate рrofessor

  • Botagoz Nurakhova
    PhD, аssociate рrofessor
  • Aliya Turekhanova
    МВА, senior lecturer
Educational Programme «Accounting and Audit»