State and local government

Academic degree: Bachelor of Business and Management in the educational program 6B04125 Public Administration
Duration of study: 4 years
Language of preparation: Kazakh, Russian


  • The Public Administration program is aimed at preparing high-quality managers for work at all levels of the civil services, in private companies and organizations of the nonprofit sector. Graduates of the program are fluent not only in the theory of management, but also in methods of making managerial decisions in conditions of stable development of the state and during crises
    The concept of training future public officers contributes to the strengthening of public consensus, the emergence of true citizenship and the provision of prosperity to Kazakhstan by means of education, upbringing and science.

The main goal of the program

  • Prepare students based on the updated theoretical and practical knowledge in accordance with national and international standards, along with a set of demanded competences for practical activities in the field of state and local government, as well as for the further development of an academic career.

Mission of the program

Create of an “exclusive” program, that meets the needs of the most demanded "customer"

Provide conducive environment for the professional and personal development of students
Formation of a new political and administrative elite

Program features


Best practices in the field of Public Administration, Policy and Affairs were incorporated in the program, in order to prepare highly qualified graduates for the future positions on the Government level.


Fundamental preparation in social sciences and humanities are combined with an in-depth study of applied disciplines. Which makes the program well balanced and up-to-date.


Level of economic and mathematical training of students is a competitive advantage of the program.

Career opportunities
  • Government sector
  • Budgetary institutions
  • Research institutions and Research centers
  • Business organizations
  • Non for profit organizations
You will know how to:
  • Develop and execute development strategies
  • Develop administrative regulations, performance indicators for ministries and departments
  • Accompany the activities of coordination, advisory and advisory bodies under the President, Government, executive authorities
  • Prepare projects of official opinions, reviews and financial and economic justifications for legislative and other regulatory legal acts
  • Involve NGOs in solving urgent social problems and assist them in activities, based on the best local and international practices
  • Carry out financial analysis of projects
  • Manage the process of redistribution of financial resources between various subjects of the financial system and within, carry out activities to attract and efficiently use financial resources
  • Assess the financial condition and ensure the conduct of procurement activities.